God is not silent - Criticism of the film "Silence" (Silence, 2016)

Kasey 2022-03-27 09:01:08

This is a world ruled by death, and ruled by falsifying the silence of God. Romans 5:14 states a very profound truth: "But from Adam to Moses, death reigned, and under him were those who did not sin as Adam did. Adam is the one who is to come after that. A pre-image of the man". How does death reign? On the one hand, sinners kill each other and persecute the church; on the other hand, the power of death declares that God does not exist in the event of death, even in the midst of human tragedy and the suffering of believers, God remains silent. So the devil becomes king of the world through murder and lies. In fact, the haze country is ruled by death, so all souls lose the dignity of creation. The Chinese never conquered death; the Japanese conquered death by death; Christ conquered death by resurrection. But let us thank God, who today took us to the heights of madness, above the white clouds; to see the deceit and end of death through the image of Christ's resurrection, and to soar. The so-called will be the top of the mountain, and the mountains are small at a glance. We see through death, and we are in the afterlife ahead of time. The so-called life to death, first to death, first to resurrection.

1. Common sense: In contemporary Elymas

, the devil is not willing to fail, and he wants to continue to bind the church. Continue to terrorize Christianity and humanity with death, and continue to create false Christianity. As it is written, it prowls around looking for someone to devour; it will sieve the disciples with a sieve, and make Christianity a sifter before the devil, sinners, the world, and death. Not only that, but it also has some splendid reasons for the christian crap, so that the contemporary church can comfortably spit on the image of Christ in front of the crowd, and step on the dirty salty hands, until it relies on the "inner truth". "Pretend to be a ghost. In fact, it was used by Judas who betrayed the Lord to tempt Peter: you have to deny the Lord's humanitarian cause three times, and cover up the fraud in Buddhist psychology, and betray the Lord to the end. This is the purpose of the film Silence (2016), so we should rely on the style of the mountain today to let this modernity death blackmail disappear. In 2017, our God will never be silent. He once shook the world in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and now He is shaking the world.

"The Silence" is nothing new: "8 But Elymas, the sorcerer (the name means sorcery), opposed the apostles to make the Proverbs unbelieve. 9 Saul, also known as Paul, was killed by the Holy Spirit Full of fixation on him, 10 saying, You, full of all deceit and treason, son of the devil, enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease to pervert the right way of the Lord? 11 Now the hand of the Lord is upon you. You will be blinded , and the sun was not seen for a while. Immediately his eyes were darkened, and he went about and begged for someone to lead him by the hand” (Acts 13:8-11). At the foot of the mountain lived the Philistines, or the Japanese and the Americans, who even concocted "Silence" together in the Valley of Hinnom. They teach us to be fearful in these last days with strange teachings, and they also give us false conscience comfort with strange teachings: "They healed the wounds of my people softly and flickeringly, saying, Peace. Peace. There is no peace." ( Jeremiah 6:14). The cheers from the Christian side can only show that the deeper hypocrisy of the devil's culture binds many people: "The serpent is more cunning than all the living creatures of the field that the Lord God has made" (Genesis 3:1) .

But I'm not ignorant of its tricks. So before I shatter this mask, I have to stress three common sense issues. First, I never sing in front of persecution, death, and sin. I admit that if I was in the shogunate era, I wouldn't necessarily have done better than them. But second, I also don't want to exaggerate a self-professed humility (Colossians 2:23), and I don't think I necessarily fail like that. For I am convinced that the Christ who was with Peter and Paul and the 300 years of martyrs must also be with me according to his promise (Matthew 28:20). And the presence of the Lord Jesus can certainly lead us to witness for His victory before others. And this is the promise of the Lord: "The temptations you have encountered are nothing more than man can endure. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. When you are tempted, He will give you make a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). Third, I oppose idol worship, but deliberately trampling on idols and claiming to love God and love others is just another self-worship and self-deception lie. Everyone knows that icons are not God, but your trampling on them is a symbolic act of denying Christ before men, as Jesus clearly warned:

"31 From then on he taught them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days be raised again. 32 When Jesus said this plainly, Peter took him and persuaded him. 33 Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, and rebuked Peter, saying, Get behind me, Satan, for you are not mindful of God's will, but of man. 34 Then he called the crowd and the disciples, and said to them, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 35 For whoever would save his life will lose it. Whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will lose it. 36 If a man gains the whole world and loses his own life, what good is it? 37 What can a man give in exchange for his life? 38 Whoever takes me and my Shame on the Word, and the Son of Man will be ashamed of the man when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8:31-38).

2. Truth: Silent Lies

The question now is: Is our Lord’s request for us without mercy, and is he forcing us to bear a burden that we cannot bear, while keeping ourselves out of it? Or that there is no God at all, at least God is not present in the suffering of man, and is completely silent in the martyrdom of Christians? No! All of this is a lie spread by Silence, and it is clearly the devil's lie. Our sermons today (Matthew 7:1-9) are enough to tear down all these lies and bring us to the path of truth and peace and joy.

First, the God we believe in is definitely not the silent God. On the contrary, our God is the God who speaks, the God who created heaven and earth and redeemed the church in God’s words. At the very least, the Bible we have is the greatest testimony of what God has said. But all pagans and atheists preach the loneliness of heaven and earth, that God is silent. The so-called "heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs." Some extremist religions even use jihad or man to replace God. The reason is simple, their gods are false gods. The screenwriters and directors of the film are fundamentally influenced by Indian, Chinese, Japanese or Greek cultures. They fundamentally do not believe in the God revealed in the Bible, and have never known the God who speaks to human beings. Moreover, they use their unbelief to transform the hero and the Christian in the film. The tragedy is that these Far Eastern pagans and postmodern scientists can only understand seeing and hearing as physical seeing and physical hearing, and have no idea what spiritual seeing is (Revelation 4:1-3). So how exactly did they "see" the evolutionary process?

Second, the God we believe in is not only the God who speaks, but must also be the God who speaks to believers and is with believers in suffering. Just as Christ spoke to the apostles or saints of all ages, accompanied and led them in prisons and executions, so must Christ be with Christians today. And the presence of Christ must enable anyone who is a martyr to overcome the calamity they face. And this common sense, the screenwriter and director of "Silence" are completely ignorant. God called Elijah in the cave, God responded to Job in a whirlwind, and Stephen saw Christ in heaven; I also believe that Peter and Paul must have been filled with peace because of the same seeing and hearing when they were martyred... A screenwriter of church life or a fake Christian cannot hear what God says (Suzaku Endo); a director or a true Gentile without a normal married life cannot believe what God says (Martin Scorsese). Of course, some Catholic traditions should also be reflected: there is no Bible, no holy way, only holy objects, and God must be silent.

Third, "Silence" releases a full-scale gray-blue smoke on the real history of Japanese martyrs. The film basically portrays martyrdom as gray, passive and hopeless, reluctant sacrifice, and even a meaningless act of ignorance. But that's not entirely true. Historically, there were famous "twenty-six saints" during the Nagasaki calamity; among them, Paul Miki, a Jesuit, led the congregation to be willing to suffer for the Lord and to die calmly. History records that "on the day of the execution, there were as many as 4,000 onlookers on the Xiban hill." Even the cruel "step painting" incident did not eliminate the real martyrs, and more Christians went underground and continued to live their faith. After World War II, the 300-year persecution in the Far East did not eliminate the church at all, even in Japan. "Silence" actually insults the martyrs with so-called human pity, and we don't need such humanistic pity. Those who are poor martyrs are truly poor people. This is as the Lord Jesus said: "Women of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but for yourself and for your children" (Luke 24:28). How did Peter and John testify after they came down the mountain: "They left the Sanhedrin with joy in their hearts, being counted worthy to be dishonored by that name" (Acts 5:41). Gentiles who have poor pastors and martyrs are truly pitiful.

Fourth, this is a theological lie: trampling on the icon of Jesus in order to save the lives of others, returning the external faith to the internal persistence. This is not true. If this were true, all the tribulations in Christian history could be avoided, and any Judas who betrayed the Lord and Peter who denied Christ three times could be heroes of the faith. However, these are two irreversible facts. On the one hand, any true Christian is ready to sacrifice for the Lord and glorify it; for we have seen Christ on the mount. On the other hand, we never deny that people are weak, but weakness is the object of mercy, not the capital of boasting, nor the basis of self-righteousness. If you are a Christian, you can even deny the name of the Lord for a while because of fear (please have mercy on Peter, who denied the Lord three times); however, if you whitewash your weakness into true faith, it is even more true than it is; you The evil plan to destroy the formal justice and the sacramental church is plain to see.

3. Historical Facts: The Call of the Far East

"Silence" is the hand of Usa, but behind the blind and deaf literati actor, stands the cunning of the devil. And I have always seen this: After the devil has been repelled on the high mountains of the West, in the Far East, especially in the farthest part of the Far East - Japan - the last line of defense against the Gospel of Christ has been carefully constructed. It is worth mentioning that Protestantism (mainly Anglo-Dutch Calvinism) played a disgraceful role in the history of the Japanese catastrophe. The Four Hundred Years of Persecution (1453-1853) in Japan, and the Four Hundred Years of Japan's Rise, were nothing more than "al Qaeda" established by the devil in the face of the Gospel in modern and modern times. Not only that, Japan represents the East and the West, which is being orientalized, together proclaiming that God is a silent God, and therefore, Shinto (people can be like gods) is the universal value today.

The modern East is fundamentally an East led by Japanese culture. Not only was the "Great East Asian Dream" not shattered because of Japan's surrender, but it continued to rule the Far East and even the world because of the following four facts: First, the Shinto ideology of India and China only Refined and enduring religious forms were acquired in Japan. Second, the Chinese dream from modern times to contemporary times is in the final analysis the imitation and reproduction of the Meiji Restoration. Third, without the Japanese, there would be no..., this is a clear fact. Fourth, Japan is still the boundary line between the West and the East, and it is the tangent between the redemption of all incarnation and the cannibalism of incarnation. There continue to be nurtured dark clouds that are even more tragic in the future. The problem, however, is that God is not only not a silent God, even in the Far East, even in Japan with a sword, God is always present, and his voice is like thunder: whoever uses the sword will die under the sword.

The movie "Silence" revealed an important theological fact. God not only did not remain silent during the 300 years of Japanese persecution, but also showed 300 years of patience and mercy for the Japanese sinners; also showed the righteous judgment and righteous wrath of the Japanese sinners. "Silence" clearly tells us two facts: First, the essence of the Japanese tribulation is the fundamental opposition between the divine way and the holy way, or between the incarnation of the Tao and the incarnation of the Tao. Second, the most tragic execution ground in Japan is Nagasaki; and Nagasaki is precisely the place where the atomic bomb exploded. Hiroshima, on the other hand, was the base for instructing some Japanese reform leaders (Mori Terumoto, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Asano, etc.); during the Sino-Japanese War, Hiroshima served as the main supply and logistics base for the Japanese army; during World War II, the Hiroshima Division (The Fifth Division, Itagaki Division) is the elite of the Japanese invaders. We are not unsympathetic to the victims of nuclear weapons, but they themselves mutilate, and their victimization also makes us tremble before God. God spoke in two ways in Japan: first, through the church to spread the truth to the entire nation; second, through the cloud pillar of the atomic bomb to judge the entire Japanese nation. And this truth, God says this: "26 For if we sin willfully after we have learned the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sin. 27 But there is fear and waiting for judgment and the fire that consumes all the enemies. 28 Those who sinned against Moses The law, by two or three witnesses, will die without mercy. 29 How much more will one trample the Son of God, and make common the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and despise the Holy Spirit of grace, you think, he What aggravating the punishment shall be. 30 For we know who said, Vengeance is mine, and I will repay. And the Lord judges his people. 31 It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:26-31).

The Bible reveals the meaning of the "cloud on the mountain". And the mushroom cloud of Nagasaki connects the brimstone and fire of Sodom with the pillar of cloud facing the Egyptian pharaoh and his army. History is His story, East and West no longer have secrets, God is nowhere silent. Had Jehovah not shown mercy to these sinners, the Japanese archipelago would have been as scorched as Sodom and Gomorrah. And God's mercy is also because there are His own children, those pastors and lay believers who were silently killed; the people who continued to adhere to the meeting for 300 years. In those days, God saved the life of Lot's family for Abraham's sake, and now also saves post-war Japan and the entire Far East for the sake of the martyrs. The God who was never silent still calls out to every human being today: "Flee for your life. Do not look back, and do not stand on the plains. Run to the mountains, lest you be annihilated" (Genesis 19:17). The Lord is on the mountain.

Dear brothers and sisters, there is no "hard soil" in this world. "God sits upon the great circle of the earth, and the inhabitants of the earth are like locusts. He stretches out the firmament like a veil, and spreads out the heavens like a tent to dwell in" (Isaiah 40:22). God speaks not only to Japan, but also to China and the United States, and to all mankind. In 2017, I saw from a distance in the sky above the ends of the earth that black clouds were slowly descending. The thickest place in the Far East is called smog. Woe even more to those nations and individuals who continue to lie and declare that God is silent, but "the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full" (Genesis 15:16). I pointed to the disasters of the haze country from the past to the present and saw that the disaster ahead will be unprecedented, and the darkest dark clouds have already set off towards the "motherland": the Shinto culture is too much (the sage listens to the world in the south, and rules to the bright; the dark room shines), Toyotomi Hideyoshi cut off his sons and no grandchildren (politics and money become gods and religions; a lineage for all generations). Samurai and Restoration are just two kinds of warriors. Japan had abandoned Chinese patterns and Chinese characters by the end of the Tang Dynasty, and Liu Laoxia grew bones in Japanese samurai and shogunate culture. Only dead bones are not life. May the merciful God use us to build the city on the hill. Amen.

Original: http://blog.ifeng.com/article/46964745.html
More movie reviews: http://blog.ifeng.com/1247038.html

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Silence quotes

  • Ferreira: I pray too, Rodrigues. It doesn't help. Go on, pray. But pray with your eyes open.

  • Ferreira: There's a saying in here: "Mountains and rivers can be moved but men's nature cannot be moved".