I saw her laid out like a queen

Gregorio 2022-03-25 09:01:10

Lisa Minnelli's provocative big watery eyes, those long eyelashes, those delicate little noses, tsk tsk! Sally finally realizes that she can't go to a poor life with Brian if that's not what she wants. All she wanted was in the final "Cabaret" she sang, to die from an overdose of drugs and alcohol like Elsie did, and she looked at Elsie's body like a queen he envied. Finally, I said goodbye to Brian at the train station, and just shook hands politely, thinking of how crazy we were together in the past, which was embarrassing. Sally shouldn't belong to anyone, she's a sexy and naughty elf, she loved you, that's enough.

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Cabaret quotes

  • Brian: Sally is rather knowledgeable in these areas.

    Fritz: You do what Sally says, you end up I think in prison.

  • Master of Ceremonies: Outside it is windy, but inside it is so hot, every night we have ze battle to keep the girls from taking off all their clothing. So don't go away, who knows? Tonight we may lose the battle!