
Keyshawn 2022-03-28 09:01:06

The Chinese translation of the name always gives people the illusion that it depends on the English name. So it disturbed me at first, making me subconsciously think it was just a superpower crime-solving movie, but it was actually discussing the topic of euthanasia.

Using psychic ability to see that other people will suffer from disease and pain in the future, so kill them in advance to ease their pain. The murderous demon in the film uses this as an endorsement for his behavior. But the funny thing is that no one has the right to take another person's life, even if it is kind for his own good. Just like the old man in the film, he has been avoiding the world, unwilling to contact the outside world, and has a cold refusal to the outside world. Only in the end did he find out that he had performed euthanasia for his daughter. For so many years, he could not forgive himself and face it. to the wife. When he was called out by a friend to come out again, he happened to encounter this series of traps that had been laid out for a long time, and wanted him to become a murderer who performed euthanasia, so he was painful, hesitant, and unpredictable.

Needless to say, the old man finally saw it clearly, understood, and was relieved. He was different from the murderous demon. What he did was to obtain the consent of his daughter and respect her wishes.

Therefore, based on this, I have an idea that I agree with euthanasia to a certain extent. As long as the dying person and his family agree with each other, and after medical confirmation, it is really impossible to save. Performing euthanasia is also a love for the dying person, but this It takes a long time for people to explore and transparently change people's ideas.

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Solace quotes

  • [first lines]

    Joe Merriwether: [sniffing the cigar] Cuban.

    Agent Katherine Cowles: What's the word, Sawyer?

    Agent Sawyer: Looks like a match.

    Agent Katherine Cowles: [holds up three fingers to Merriwether]

    Agent Sawyer: [on the phone] Yeah, it's Joe. We've got a series. Same M O, same signature, no DNA. Not one goddamn shred.

  • Agent Katherine Cowles: Dr. Clancy, before we go upstairs, with all due respect, I don't hold an ounce of confidence in the paranormal in general. I think it's a sham. I hope that's okay.

    John Clancy: No problem at all. I feel the same about shrinks. After only one thing, your money. Give them your little finger, they'll take your whole hand.

    Agent Katherine Cowles: Whoever said that has obviously never met a good one.

    John Clancy: It was Sigmund Freud.