The sweet thing of love

Kristofer 2022-12-29 14:16:42

The movie that was originally opened purely because of boredom, but I didn't expect to see it at the end, but I found it quite interesting.

The movie narrates the stories of five pairs of characters, of which the most remarkable are masochism and Sex phone.

Rape fantasy's pair is warm and eye-catching. The male protagonist worked hard for the little hobby of the female protagonist, and finally ushered in a happy ending. Unlike most broken-up couples, there was never an argument, no cold war, no cheating (except for rape games). They understand, respect and love each other very much.

The two flawed people in the Sex phone show a touching and tender story. The young deaf hand-painted painter and hearing-impaired interpreter started to talk about "sex" simply and rudely, and then painted a portrait of her, and the distance of each other's hearts gradually got closer. After turning off the video, the two of them both sat in their seats and felt lost. They don't necessarily fall in love with each other in the popular sense, maybe they just seek what they long for, listen, be heard, understood, and cherished.

At the end of the film, the interpreter encounters a sex offender who offers a ride. Will the elderly let go of another opportunity for sexual assault? From the expressiveness of the camera and the smile of the old man, it can be seen that his dirty heart began to overflow again. The director seems to be making a joke. The crash at the end connects the lives of these characters with the fate of the characters in the previous "sleeping" story, full of helplessness and black humor.

And our beautiful interpreter, who adjusted the hearing aid and sat on the co-pilot, smiled brightly, full of confidence and good vision for the future, did not see the car accident that just happened around him, and did not hear any terrifying voices.

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Extended Reading

The Little Death quotes

  • Dan: [playing a scene] Miss Redding.

    Evie: Detective.

    Dan: I'm going to need to ask you a few questions, if that's alright.

    Evie: Depends.

    Dan: On what?

    Evie: On whether you're the good cop or the bad cop. Which one are ya?

    Dan: Guess.

    Evie: Good cop.

    Dan: Guess again.


    Dan: I said, guess again. Now, Miss Redding, are you going to cooperate?

    Evie: Fuck me.

    Dan: But they're watching us behind the mirror.

    Evie: Don't care. Fuck me.

  • Evie: [playing a scene] I hear you've been misbehaving, prisoner. Um... I always fall for the bad boys. What are you in here for, stud?

    Dan: Assault. Sexual assault.

    Evie: I'll bet she secretly loved it.

    Dan: He.

    Evie: For fuck's sake, Dan!

    Dan: What?

    Evie: You're trying to turn me on by telling me you have sexually assaulted a man?

    Dan: It's called having a back story, Evie.