Tiger Tiger Tiger after watching

Emmalee 2022-03-24 09:03:02

In war movies, Hu Hu Hu means attack, attack, continue to attack. I guess what I mean is that Japan successfully planned an attack, successfully executed the order of the attack, attacked Pearl Harbor, and successfully hit the United States. For the United States, it was successfully attacked, became a victim, successfully kept the main fleet, and successfully made the people agree to participate in the war. I'm interested in the timing of the Japanese ultimatum, which was 55 minutes after the raid, which didn't go according to plan, and the look on the Japanese ambassador's face, the U.S. rejecting and blaming the Japanese ambassador for his rogue behavior, he seemed very distressed and uncomfortable. Answer, is it because the Sino-Japanese war has been fought for several years without declaring war on each other, and Japan can still coerce the government of the Republic of China at will, so I am frustrated by the performance of the ambassador of the US government? Frustrated by your own incompetence or your opponent being too unfriendly? In the end, the uniforms of Japanese navy soldiers are very similar to those of the Chinese navy.

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Tora! Tora! Tora! quotes

  • Lt. Cmdr. Fuchida: Warrant Officer Mizuki, signal all planes: "prepare to attack!"

  • Commander Minoru Genda: Everything is strangely quiet. The American anti-aircraft batteries haven't fired a shot! And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir! We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"

    Commander Genda's Co-Pilot: And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir!

    Commander Minoru Genda: We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"