The taste of clear sand

Pierce 2022-03-26 09:01:12

Sakura, sunshine, greenery, birdsong, and red bean paste dorayaki. At first, I thought this movie was about the store manager's practice of inheriting red bean paste. Later, I realized that this film focuses on the special group of Japanese leprosy. The terrifyingness of the disease and the fact that everyone treats it with a discriminatory attitude. Mrs. Desha feels that she is acting in her true colors. What impresses me is her awe-inspiring attitude towards things. She believes that every creature has a voice. We are born to listen to the beautiful creatures given by nature. Growth, or the chirping of birds longing to return to nature, these all tell us that any creature that lives on the earth needs to constantly strive to grow upwards in order to see something different. I think this is what the old lady conveyed to the store manager and the little girl. In the film, the store manager finally gave up the renovated storefront, and began to shout his newly made dorayaki under the cherry tree where the old lady left. I was moved by this way of treating things. She treated each red bean patiently, and the cumbersome process gave birth to delicious food. What makes people think is that even though the vulnerable groups are isolated from the world, they still survive tenaciously, like an oasis in the desert, so difficult but still optimistic. Therefore, when we treat life, we should also feel all the good things with our heart. No matter how difficult the front is, we should still embrace life in the way we like ❤

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.