The starting point that cannot be decided, the path that can be chosen

Agustina 2022-03-24 09:02:17

You may not be able to decide where you start, but you can decide where you go and where you end.
When I first watched it, I was frightened by the length of the film, but the more I went to the back, the more the world became quieter. I looked at 1900's quiet eyes, his world. He lives in his own world, the world of music, and music is everything to him. Although to the outside world, there is no such person as him, but to this vast and boundless world, we are ordinary and small. How can I prove my existence? Maybe when we walk to the gate of heaven, God looks at the long list and says, there are hundreds of people with the same name as you, which one are you?
What attracts me most about 1900, or what attracts Max the most, is that he is different, his own world, complete and beautiful, with music in it, pure happiness, the expressions on people's faces and under the masks. Inner sadness and melancholy. When I watched it, I was thinking about a question, is it important to have your own world, or to integrate into this world, there is no answer, your world is destined to be lonely, there will be loneliness, no one tells your story, but your own world does not. Panic, it's 88 keys, not God's keys, but infinite possibilities that you can play by yourself. We may not have the brilliance and talent of 1900, but we also had our own world, because of what, we gave up on it, we chose to get off the boat, we drowned in the sea of ​​people, went to school, worked, got married, had children, and died.
I envy 1900. I envy him when he plays the piano alone in the cabin. The piano is his mouth. He uses it to express, to express, to express without any scruples, just like meditation alone in the middle of the night, how warm his own world is In a free place, it is good that some people can understand, and no one can understand, and they can be treated as freaks, and they can enjoy themselves. Because your world will never abandon you or betray you, only you choose whether to stick to it or leave.

There are too many constraints and too many rules. In the ups and downs of reality, we gradually lose ourselves. In order to cater to this world, we forget our original appearance and dare not say what we want to say. At this time, I will think of 1900's quiet and rich eyes, give him a piano, it is his whole world, without greed, without endless desire, just want to guard that piece of pure land, that life the most important thing. I rarely cry when I watch a movie, but when I parted with Max in 1900, when I said those words, Max cried, and my nose was sore. He chose his own path. Although he failed to choose his birth, he chose death. After laughing and telling the last joke in his life, he left happily with his last music. When the bomb exploded, it was not his life that ended, but his life, always with the music, with the piano. It's a pleasure to see these heartwarming and heartwarming films.

1900 has always ignored the rules. When he was a child, he stole the cake, threw it in the captain's face, released the foot lock of the piano, and glided down the hall with the waves. He never played cards according to common sense. Where he played casually, he brought joy to people, brought dynamic jazz, his appearance was as still as water, elegant and serene, and he was comfortable in any environment, throwing shovels into the stove when digging coal inside. . . But his piano sound has incomparable power and shocking power, speed, passion, two hands create the splendor of four hands.
He was isolated from the world, and while everyone was rushing to America in search of fortune, he watched the hurrying travelers through the porthole, disappearing into thousands of streets, on land shrouded in smoke from city chimneys. He used to touch the strings in his heart because of love, but at the moment before he got off the ship, he suddenly realized that the life trapped in the house was not what he wanted, he belonged to the cruise ship he was born on, and he belonged to his music. The hat fell, and he turned to board, resolute and reckless.
When honor and glory beckoned to him, he said, I am just a pianist, I only play at sea. The Jazz founder challenged him and he played like a game, but when he was angry, his inner power was released. The piano is his most loyal playmate, and the big ship is his cradle. He guards all of them with his whole life and leaves with them. How can I ask, do you have such a precious wealth, let you face the temptation, never give up, and wait with your heart.
There is a 1900 in everyone's heart, which is the most peaceful and pure pure land of the soul. Please be careful to make a place for it, and don't be stained by the wind and snow of the world.

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.