Is it easier to control emotions or to command

Sincere 2022-03-26 09:01:09

In fact, when Li and Morgan met for the first time, the director had clearly told us that they were of the same type in the language of the camera, but he originally guessed that they were sympathetic to each other and escaped hand in hand, but in the end, he still did not understand the intention of the director to express to us. When I saw Michelle Yeoh's report, I vaguely realized that this was actually a product test. The test is whether a weapon with emotion is easy to control, or a weapon without emotion. In fact, Michelle Yeoh already has the answer, and the I_9 type is out of control. Type I_4 is still stable (stably performs the assigned tasks, and there is nothing against the master's order, such as escaping control with Type I9, uncontrollable), so she records the experiment report. Adding human emotion leads to disobeying the order to kill the master with only a small psychological test. How dare you use such a weapon? Therefore, the I4 is a controllable and easy-to-use weapon, but at the end, the I4 shows a trend of evolving feelings, and it is a mockery of the final conclusion of the entire company. In other words, the I4 will be uncontrollable in the future...
Finally, why do I think that the I4 is uncontrollable and will run with the I9, because in fact, the i4 did not know that she was actually competing with the i9 at the beginning, and she just regarded the i9 as the company's property. And I am different from I9 (I have regarded myself as a mature product or equivalent to me as a person of the company instead of a test product, I did not expect the company to come out, test stability so that whoever wins the two will continue to produce), so when I4 consciousness When the company betrays at this point, it is very likely that she will run with I9 and retaliate against the company, but I4 did not, she still perfectly executed the original order

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Morgan quotes

  • Morgan: You were right Lee they weren't my friends except Amy

  • Dr. Lui Cheng: Do you know the cruelest thing you can do to someone you've locked in a room? Press their face to the window.