My favorite 3 points

Vaughn 2022-03-24 09:02:13

It feels like The Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump, I can't digest this film once. There are a lot of interesting points, let’s pick the most interesting 3 points to talk about.
1. Abraham said he was a semi-vulnerable group and wanted to prove himself with his results.
I'm from a modest family, and I've been brought up on this. I experienced low self-esteem and gained praise for my own efforts. Therefore, I can understand the psychology behind Abraham's phrase "semi-vulnerable group", and I have also experienced the psychology of using honor as a psychological protection tool.

I believe in Christianity for 5 years, and I was baptized into Christ this year. I remember the most difficult time when starting a business and when I was helpless, only faith could give me confidence and comfort. Abraham was ridiculed for many years. God in his heart was his psychological support and his support. He gained a sense of security in his communication with God (through singing, praying, and meditating on the Bible). In his heart, God supported him and let him He spreads his wings like an eagle, achieving success after success. He is grateful to God. What's more, even without these blessings of God, a person who truly believes in God obeys God's law like an iron law. So he would be reluctant to break the commandment of the Sabbath.

2. My son from Coach Sam after Abraham
won Maybe it’s more appropriate to express this feeling in terms of relatives.) So this sentence touched me very much. It also led me to make a practical change:
I currently attend a public school for free. It was originally intended to make them improve a little bit. Keep the dry stuff for them to teach when they come to the paid class. Now think of me doing my best to teach them the best. If I don't have anything to teach in a fee-based class, I'll go to learn it.

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Extended Reading

Chariots of Fire quotes

  • Harold M. Abrahams: Gentlemen, you yearn for victory just as I do. But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods. Yours are the archaic values of the prep-school playground. You deceive no one but yourselves. I believe in the pursuit of excellence - and I'll carry the future with me.

  • Lord Birkenhead: You Americans have a number of men who are rated as world-beaters; but, this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States.