The growth of the fat man

Unique 2022-03-26 09:01:05

I haven't seen such a light comedy for a long time. In the process of growing up, all we need is a little warmth. Some of the things that adults think are bad during adolescence are just to get the attention of others. With the development of the plot, there are some funny incidents that make the film interesting. Baked hot water bottle, and 10 slices of bread, I want to save it. The leaves brought back from hunting are said to be salad... and a series of events in the huge bush, which makes people feel funny and warm. The heroine in the title kills wild boar with her bare hands Also awesome.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople quotes

  • Ricky Baker: Shit just got real! Back up, homies, and let go of my uncle!

  • Ricky Baker: We'll just tell them you were looking after me.

    Hec: Doesn't matter what you tell them, they won't believe you. They'll think I made you do it. I'm not going back to jail, I'm better off up here. This is no place for a kid. You're gonna have to go back, Ricky.

    Ricky Baker: To what?

    Hec: To the welfare people.

    Ricky Baker: No!

    Hec: They'll look after you.

    Ricky Baker: No, they won't!

    Hec: They'll find you another home, you'll be fine.

    Ricky Baker: You're not listening! Nobody listens! There's no more homes, just juvy!

    Hec: What's juvy?

    Ricky Baker: Juvenile prison. They don't care about kids like me, they just keep moving us around until something happens like... Amber.

    Hec: Oh no, bugger then. Okay, okay. We're in about a million hectares of bush, that's big, it's big enough to hide in for a while, anyway.

    Ricky Baker: Good enough for me.

    Hec: But we're heading into winter. It's gonna be rough, no huts, no tents, real bush life. Can you handle that?

    Ricky Baker: I can handle it.

    Hec: Yeah. And if you play up, I dump you.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Uncle.

    Hec: I'd still prefer if you don't call me Uncle.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Hec. So what do we do now?

    Hec: We run.

    [They run for a few seconds, then stop out of breathe]

    Hec: Wait, wait wait. Maybe we don't need to run.

    Ricky Baker: Oh yeah, let's just fast walk.