black humor and satire

Jermain 2022-03-25 09:01:08

The Coen brothers are a director who is extremely fond of dark humor and satire, and in their latest film, Long Live Caesar, the same is true. For example, the following scene impressed me the most:

I guess the prototype of the female editor in the film is the famous Dade Allen in the industry. Some people say that she has more influence on Hollywood than Spielberg.
For this scene, the obvious joke is that in the editing room, the editing room is actually doing editing work while smoking. Since they are all precious film, how can people smoke in the editing room? The implication is self-evident that this smoking editor could ruin the movie. This scene can also be seen as the Coen brothers mocking those directors who do not have editing rights. Your film may be destroyed if others edit it? In the later scenes, there was a broadcast accident because of the editor's scarf...
In short, the Coen brothers are urchins with a certain way to make movies, mocking the directors who don't have editing rights in Hollywood.

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Extended Reading

Hail, Caesar! quotes

  • Baird Whitlock: *That's* who benefits!

  • Hobie Doyle: It's complicated.