When everyone in this world is against you, don't give up the last pure land in your heart

Chet 2022-10-07 06:11:04

Some time ago, I had a fight with my girlfriend that hurt her the most this year. I don’t want to go into too many words about the content of the quarrel, but every time we quarrel seems to have a fixed pattern. The reason is that life is too bland and lack of passion, so we look for each other to hurt each other. . Presumably many people have different definitions of "maturity" at different ages. In the year since graduating from university, I often think that no matter how bad or naive I am, I have been washed away by the long river of time. I can grow epiphany. However, it backfired, and this immature label is still attached to my current body. From the bits and pieces of daily life, to the planning of the future life pattern, to the small complaints about food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is not a single thing that does not reveal the desire to control my body, the kind of wanting to be superior to others. desire to conquer. In fact, I am not better than others in any aspect, if there is, it should be my ability to brag and posturing. I often like to imprison myself in my inner world, wrap it up, escape the potential dangers of reality and the harm caused by those disapproval and opposition, my fragile little heart is often unable to withstand stimulation, and it is broken like a glass heart Come, leave me all over the place to close myself and recuperate in silence. When the haze recedes, I often substitute myself into the stories of the protagonists of film and television works or literary works one after another, implying that I am the protagonist himself. I do things with his way of thinking, express my emotions with his emotional senses, and even imitate his body posture, tone of voice, and lines in exactly the same way. The whole person seems to be a morbid way of life, and this is precisely the magic remedy for escaping reality for so many years. In real life, I always tend to embed myself in one story after another, enjoying the baptism brought by the spirit of humanistic care. There is always no reason to find a lot of labels that have nothing to do with me forcibly attached to myself. My inner thought is that even if it's irrelevant, as long as my heart approves it or as long as I feel it brings a little joy to my mind, I will use my poor performance to cooperate. But everyone knows that no matter how good the performance is, the audience must appreciate it. I am grateful to everyone in my life, I share my joys and sorrows with them, and they also pass on their three values ​​to me. At the age of 22 this year, I already feel a sense of crisis that I will be eliminated and abandoned by this society if I do not form a complete set of life philosophy and methodology within the next three years. First of all, thank you for cooperating with my performances for the past 22 years, even if you have not watched the movie, you will be refunded Complaints include those who watched the movie and left halfway through, and some who openly raised negative comments and expressed objections, but there were also some audience members who stayed with them all the way and never left. Thank you for the sparks that each of your thoughts and opinions collide with me. You keep me thinking about my future outlet and where my pattern is. Then again, why did I mention this quarrel with my girlfriend? There is one thing I want to discuss with you, that is, when your girlfriend tells you that she is insecure, what's the point? (I'm sorry, I sprinkled a wave of dog food) Of course, the specific issues are analyzed in detail, all of which are based on my naive behavior towards her over the past year. I constantly build my self-confidence by suppressing her self-esteem, and sadly I don't have the strength and ability to compete with the current elites in this society. As soon as I disagreed, I stood on the commanding heights and looked down at everything and commented on it, putting on a posture of "I'm sorry, everyone here except me is rubbish". However, looking back, I didn't have the strength to stand out from the crowd, nor did I have any talent or advantage over others. Then why am I so crazy? Good question, because I suffer too little, I'm still living in a dream of overconfidence. A person with a strong enough heart does not need to use bravado to support his confidence. A person with a high enough emotional intelligence will not be a "glass-hearted" person. If he is slightly rejected and denied by others, he must close himself, or become angry and ask for peace. Others are on the line. Then let's go back to the question that most women ask about girlfriends. In fact, a sense of security is like trust, which needs to be built up bit by bit. Unstable, not because others have a prejudice against you or against you personally, but because you are the initiator of these things! After writing such a long paragraph, I don't have a single point to talk about how I feel about this movie. In fact, it is not. All the above ideas, including the angle of view of things, are my feelings after watching the film. This world is inherently unfair, no one is targeting you, but you are despising yourself. Set your mind right and show your normal heart, face every setback calmly, and thank you for the tempering and sublimation brought to the soul by every suffering. As long as you are strong enough and excellent enough, as long as your method is correct and the method is correct, the world will use his method to return you a fair and just. The voices of opposition and doubts in this world will always accompany us on our growth journey, neither humble nor arrogant, down-to-earth, I believe that everyone will bloom their own wonderful! question, because I suffer too little, I am still living in a dream of overconfidence. A person with a strong enough heart does not need to use bravado to support his confidence. A person with a high enough emotional intelligence will not be a "glass-hearted" person. If he is slightly rejected and denied by others, he must close himself, or become angry and ask for peace. Others are on the line. Then let's go back to the question that most women ask about girlfriends. In fact, a sense of security is like trust, which needs to be built up bit by bit. Unstable, not because others have a prejudice against you or against you personally, but because you are the initiator of these things! After writing such a long paragraph, I don't have a single point to talk about how I feel about this movie. In fact, it is not. All the above ideas, including the angle of view of things, are my feelings after watching the film. This world is inherently unfair, no one is targeting you, but you are despising yourself. Set your mind right and show your normal heart, face every setback calmly, and thank you for the tempering and sublimation brought to the soul by every suffering. As long as you are strong enough and excellent enough, as long as your method is correct and the method is correct, the world will use his method to return you a fair and just. The voices of opposition and doubts in this world will always accompany us on our growth journey, neither humble nor arrogant, down-to-earth, I believe that everyone will bloom their own wonderful!

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Patch Adams quotes

  • Hunter Patch Adams: [standing on the edge of a cliff contemplating suicide. He talks to God...] So what now, huh? What do you want from me?

    [looks down over cliff, a rock tumbles off]

    Hunter Patch Adams: Yeah, I could do it. We both know you wouldn't stop me. So answer me please. Tell me what you're doing. Okay, let's look at the logic. You create man. Man suffers enormous amounts of pain. Man dies. Maybe you should have had just a few more brainstorming sessions prior to creation. You rested on the seventh day. Maybe you should've spent that day on compassion.

    [looks down over the cliff again]

    Hunter Patch Adams: You know what? You're not worth it.

    [walks away from the cliff]

  • Hunter Patch Adams: Our job is improving the quality of life, not just delaying death.