ego, ego, loneliness, emptiness

Ayla 2022-03-25 09:01:14

As with all miniplot, antiplot movies, egoism is an inescapable point of contention. It is also a key factor in the success of art films. Different from stream-of-consciousness literature and prose, literature can freely express the largest, broadest, and subtlest existence, and consciousness and consciousness can be superimposed and dislocated, and language, prelanguage, and metalanguage can jump freely. But the movie is not, it must express the greatest imaginary with the greatest reality. Therefore, the selfishness of literature will not make people disgusted, or make people feel self-conscious, because literature itself has the advantage of pre-language, the implication and the implication can be advanced at the same time, or even interchanged, and more importantly, the way of expression in words It forces the writer to always carry a sense of purpose or mission. Therefore, we can see that whether it is reminiscing about Time Like Water, Ulysses, or Ocean Waves, although they seem extremely egoistic, after careful consideration, we can still feel that on the conscious level or the subconscious level, the author takes a A deep sense of history and mission, whether this mission points to external political, social, family, interpersonal and other explicit contradictions, or internal self-personality, destiny, years, or times and classes with both internal and external characteristics the contradiction.
But the film is different. The so-called VOYEURISM of critics has always stimulated the self-imposed sense of guilt of filmmakers, making it easy for them to turn the narrative of self-personality into ego, and the indifferent sense of mission into pure lonely dispatch. AMARCORD is such a work. Compared with the eight-and-a-half and half-deep historical sadness, class rifts, and self-examination, it is indeed a lot worse. . Despite the separation of shots, the six-instrument-like structure of the outsider's self-irony, and a plethora of symbolic metaphors, to be honest, the effect presented is more of a dazzle and fun, even including all political historical irony. is also like this. Perhaps this is why AMARCORD is more attractive, and more people are still willing to accept this kind of art film with warm tones, rather than accepting the eight and a half films with colder tones, or the remnants brought by the absolutely cold Berlin sky. warmth.
But anyway, from a comedy point of view, this movie is still a good pastime

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Amarcord quotes

  • Teo, Titta's Uncle: Is Father Pazzaglia still alive?

    Miranda: He's been dead ten years now.

    Grandpa: He's been gone quite some time.

    Teo, Titta's Uncle: He was alive last year.

    Miranda: That was Father Amedeo.

    Teo, Titta's Uncle: Is he dead too?

    Miranda: No, he's alive.

    Teo, Titta's Uncle: Exactly.

  • Grandpa: My father's father used to say, "To be fit as a fiddle, you have to piddle. To be fit as a frog, pee like a dog."