The upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked

Joana 2022-04-24 07:01:15

At the beginning of the film is the scene of a family playing football, the father and the elder brother are in one group, and the mother and the younger brother are in the group. My father and my brother showed no mercy to my mother when they played football, and made my mother angry many times. In fact, it was the way my father always treated my mother in the past.
My brother asked my father for his opinion at the reading club. After my father criticized my brother’s book, my mother said to him that you should read it yourself and then comment. This reminds me of a sentence that appeared on the title page of a book - "Before reading , there is no truth", everyone's ideas and starting points are different, and comments on a book may vary greatly. From a more objective point of view, the mother's words are indeed more powerful in shaping the child's three views, while the father appears to be more egoistic and radical - this may be right in his opinion, but his way is too egoistic and may Children develop into another self, and mothers obviously want to cultivate children's ability to think for themselves, which should be a more scientific and reasonable way of education. But the elder brother directly listened to his father's advice and ignored his mother's. In fact, on many occasions in this film, the father and mother gave different opinions, and the elder brother listened to his father. From one aspect, the elder brother is indeed more like his father, or he is more inclined to his father on the surface, and he listens more to his father's words. It may also be that the negative influence of the father is far greater than that of the mother.
Although the brothers' strange behaviors have their own factors, the most profound factor affecting the growth of children is the family. First of all, both husband and wife are writers. Writers need to be creative and divergent thinking is necessary. That is to say, sometimes writers can be understood as artists, and many examples of devotion to art are sometimes difficult to judge by morality or even law. The father repeatedly told his brother that he should not have rejected all temptations because he had a family. In addition to what he said directly, my father usually cares too little about the family and is more self-conscious, so that in the end he said that he would make hamburgers for his children. He even thought it was a great thing for such a small thing. My father usually speaks a lot of swear words. Although he can't judge a person by swear words alone, there are many details in the movie, such as grabbing a parking space - it is also a metaphor, implying that your partner is having an affair - playing aggressively, and having an affair. In terms of his son's fuss about playing and scolding when he loses, it can be seen that his father is short-tempered, competitive, desperate for face, and has too much self-esteem. Although the mother did not tell the child about her cheating before, this behavior continued for many years, and she increasingly expressed dissatisfaction with the family. Only later did I know the truth, but I should have been subtly influenced by my mother a long time ago. Still have to say, compared to fathers, mothers really have less negative impact on them before telling the truth about her cheating. Children's requirements for their mothers are more strict because their mothers gave them a much better impression than their fathers before, which will cause them to be too disappointed with their mothers after things are revealed - after all, they have known and used to their bad fathers before. It's nothing new for them. The parents' various bad habits and frequent quarrels have directly and seriously affected the growth and physical and mental development of the two children. They are both at a critical turning point, and it is easy to cultivate wrong and distorted concepts in the depths of their minds. Fortunately, the tone of this film is not so heavy, what they show is just a little weird, not enough to rise to the height of ethics or law, just need teachers and family to pay more attention to them and understand their innermost thoughts , it's easy to get back on track with their problems solved or released - and the film does exactly that.
The older brother is very concerned about cats, and his attitude towards cats has changed in a line. At first, when the parents wanted to separate, the older brother seemed more calm and rational—it seemed to the point of indifference, only concerned with how to go to school and the cat. From one side, the cat is also a reflection of the brother's mind. At first, the elder brother wanted to take away the cat and the younger brother refused to let him. At that time, the two brothers were at odds. In the end, the father forced them to take the brothers away. The cat ran out of the house. It can be understood that although the elder brother left with his father on the surface, he did not hope so in his heart. It's definitely not easy for my father to look at his brother under the car in order to catch the cat. The background music has changed because of those few seconds, and in an 80-minute movie, it's too hard to give a close-up shot of a few seconds of looking at each other. Also too obvious. Since it is determined that it has a special meaning, it depends on how each Hamlet understands it. Father's expression and words at the time - "I caught it" - were a little bit sullen and stubborn, but the cat ran away, not only because he couldn't catch the cat, but also because the cat didn't want him to. And why is the father and brother looking at each other under the car, the brother cares more about cats not only because he likes cats but also because he is like a cat, he cares about cats because he cares about himself, he may feel like getting along with a creature similar to himself Feel safe and not alone. Not only in movies, but even in real life, this law is consistent. Many people keep pets that are more or less similar to themselves. When people or creatures get along, they feel accepted and accompanied, and they draw comfort and approval. Judging from the subsequent plot, the change in his attitude towards his father really shows this.
There seem to be a lot of boys or men who have an Oedipus tendency, and the older brother seems to have this tendency in this film. The elder brother's anger at his mother's extramarital affair was not so much the mother's betrayal of his father as his mother's betrayal of himself. He was very angry at his mother's betrayal at first, but then he was asked to see a psychiatrist because of cheating. The doctor asked him to talk about his good memories. He was talking about the good memories of getting along with his mother when he was a child, but when the psychiatrist asked other He didn't pay attention when people were there. He is on the same side with his father not because he has a better relationship with his father, but on the contrary, his relationship with his mother was once more intimate. The position of his mother in his heart is much more important than that of his father. He relies on her and feels that her mother is his Companions are also his harbor. He actually assimilated his identity a bit with that of his father. He felt that his role was the same as that of his father. When he held injustice for his father, he was actually speaking his mind. He just never recognized this fact, or Said that as he slowly grew up, he buried the good memories and the truth to himself, and chose such a way to make himself less hurt. The last scene is when he can't wait to see the fight between the octopus and the whale that he was afraid to see. This actually has multiple meanings. Many people only think about the separation of their parents. Of course, this does reflect the fact that the parents are divorced. The negative impact on the child is so great that the child can finally face the status quo of the parental relationship. He used to be very afraid of the scene, which he only dared to know from his mother's description, but now it is nothing but the same. Maybe the more he dare not face it, the more afraid he is, until he recognizes the truth. Plus, it's a bit of a real breakaway from the protection he'd gotten from his mother, and at 16 he's really starting to grow.
There are many details that are well handled. For example, when the younger brother said "Frank, stop" to the mirror before leaving home when his father was out, the background sound was not only the music but also the police car whistle, which not only showed the noise of the scene, but also the performance. The uneasy feeling of the character's psychological state also indicates that the younger brother will do something that needs to be "warned". This kind of detail is set very delicately and is worth pondering over and over again.
In the end, when my father was taken to the ambulance, I wanted to tell my mother something he thought was a sweet whisper, but my mother felt that she was scolding her, which had a bit of dark humor. Personally, I think this plot is very interesting. Most of their relationship after marriage is probably like this. They have poor communication and often have misunderstandings. Day after day, misunderstandings and grievances deepen. My father thinks that he has been making up for it, but my mother thinks that he It is ridiculous that the so-called "remedies" are so trivial. In fact, my father is really too egoistic and sometimes a little macho, and is definitely not a good role model. My mother is much better in education, but she has too many affairs. Whether she really wants to leave her father or not, she should also consider this. The impact of this behavior on the development of children. In the face of the school's complaint against the two brothers, the parents shirk the responsibility of each other. This scene is also very interesting. Indeed, it is often the case in reality. Parents have already started to educate their children before they are adults. How do they ensure the way of educating their children? is appropriate. Of course, everyone is not perfect, and everyone has flaws, but in the growing period, the most profound influence on a person is his family. The unintentional actions of parents may have a great negative impact on children. After all, children are still children. , they are still a piece of white paper, it is easy to paint beautiful words and pictures, and it is easy to become a piece of waste paper. That stage is crucial, and parents should pay more attention despite their difficulties.
My favorite is the scene where my brother said that he cheated by borrowing someone else's music. When someone asked him why he lied, he wrote it himself. His attitude was very righteous and he didn't think he was wrong. The image of the elder brother may not be as weird as the younger brother, but at this time, the unique temperament of the teenagers is well interpreted by the elder brother. His reasons are very irrational and illogical, but coming from the mouth of a rebellious, romantic, gloomy, and restless teenager does not seem to make people accuse him too much. One is that his attitude is too natural, as if this is a recognized The fact is, if you have any objection, it must be something wrong with you. Second, he seems to be very dashing. He admits that he is lying. He doesn’t care about these things at all. It's also an understatement. It seems that this matter is not worth discussing at all. You can't blame him too much.
In the end, I think it is an open ending. Although the background music is very cheerful, and I think the story will develop in a good direction after watching it for the first time, but when I watch it again, I feel a lot of uncertainty. The younger brother is obviously dependent on his mother—it is indeed his age, but he seems to be starting to get closer to his father. The older brother clearly begins to want to be close to his mother and away from his father. Thinking about the relationship status of the family of four is still very unclear. It seems that they all want family harmony, but everyone has something they want. Who doesn't want a happy family? It's best to be happy, but the reality is often not like this. What happened can't be regarded as it didn't happen, and some things can't be said to be the past. Can't come back.

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The Squid and the Whale quotes

  • Bernard Berkman: Ivan is fine but he's not a serious guy, he's a philistine.

    Frank Berkman: What's a philistine?

    Bernard Berkman: It's a guy who doesn't care about books and interesting films and things.

    Bernard Berkman: Your mother's brother Ned is also a philistine.

    Frank Berkman: Then I'm a philistine.

    Bernard Berkman: No, you're interested in books and things.

  • Walt Berkman: I shouldn't have broken up with Sophie.

    Joan Berkman: Why did you?

    Walt Berkman: I thought I could do better.

    Joan Berkman: Better how?

    Walt Berkman: I don't know.