I was born with a need to grind

Leonard 2022-03-27 09:01:09

Watching the biography of Steve Jobs before, and then watching the social network, including this movie, has repeatedly confirmed that most geniuses are paranoid, each with their own quirks and hobbies, as well as extraordinary confidence
in what they need for themselves. Partners always have a very keen insight, and they are very convincing and infectious, and they can impress these people to help them.
Imagine if someone walked up to you and invited you to change the world with him, wouldn't you be moved? It is to change the world
. If someone seems to know your talent better than you do, and is willing to pay a lot of money to invite you to work and train you at the same time, would you refuse?
Starting a business and recruiting horses are not too difficult for geniuses. But success is not so simple. God will let you know that even a genius needs a team and the help of others.
It may be the hardest step if one person can't achieve a great cause, so Jobs was kicked out by his own company. , Zuckerberg broke up with his partner, and Jones was almost pitted by his partner
. It is always difficult to share and trust, and genius is not exempt. Maybe it is too demanding of perfection, harsh and critical of others, and not good at communication; maybe it is because most of the success is attributed to one's own talent, and it has little to do with others; or it may be difficult to really trust one's partners, always thinking of them Those who are not good enough to stand side by side with themselves
and lack a powerful assistant will of course face a series of ups and downs and setbacks. It is also necessary to experience these before they can smooth their edges and corners, learn how to put away their own edge, and go with the people around them. do really cool things

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.