Propaganda, Shaming, Adervertising

Austin 2022-03-25 09:01:13

Most people will see the positive propaganda significance of this documentary, but this small documentary is highly sought after in the top ten abroad, but the impact it brings is not only positive.
In fact, this documentary can be described from three aspects: First, propaganda actually has a certain propaganda element to call for it to be counterproductive. Anyone who has studied may understand that the word propaganda does not refer to positive publicity, with a derogatory advertising component. The second shaming is the most important, because this documentary has aroused a lot of repercussions. The whole society is almost criticizing sea world companies. When the criticism is due to the expansion of the media network to a certain extent, it will cause more additional social problems. , For example, the company was not going to go bankrupt because of killer whales, staff neglected their duties, etc. However, all these changes cannot restore anything. The third is simply appealing to the world.

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Blackfish quotes

  • Howard Garrett - Orca Researcher: There is no record of an orca doing any harm to a human in the wild.

  • Christopher Porter - Former Trainer, Sealand: When you know the animal and have a relationship with it. You know, that he's not killing, because he's a savage. He's not killing, because he's crazy or because he doesn't know what he's doing. He's killing, because he's frustrated and has aggrevation. And when he's... He has no outlet for it.

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