civilized barbarian

Reinhold 2022-03-24 09:01:51

There was Disney's "Up and Down" before, and New Zealand's "Chasing the Barbarian" later.
Some people say that the setting of this movie is the live-action version of "Up".
In fact, there are many similarities between the two:
they are both the same. The old and the young (with similar body types) take risks in the jungle. The old
man did not accept the little fat man at first, and finally became a family-like setting. It
is a very healing and easy-to-poke movie.
Only some details are different.
The little fat boy in the movie is an orphan who no one wants, and no one disciplines him, which makes him a "Bad Egg": destroying public property, setting fires at will, fooling around all day, and no one wants to take him in.
But since entering Aunt Bella's house, he has experienced the warmth of family:
Aunt Bella has prepared his own room for him, put on the books he likes to read, prepared a hot water bottle for him intimately, and helped him live his life First birthday to celebrate, got first birthday present: a dog. All this made him deeply appreciate the meaning of "home".
When he first came to this house, the little fat boy might not be used to it. He fled overnight (of course he ran more than 200 meters) and spent the night in the wild. In the end, he was reluctant to leave the home, seeing them as his family.
After Aunt Bella died suddenly, he was reluctant to leave the house to go to a child welfare home, but Uncle Hec was unwilling to continue to adopt him, so he carried Aunt Bella's ashes, broke into the virgin forest alone, and lived a "barbarian" life "life.
Later, he met Uncle Hec, two people, two dogs, and started a real jungle life.
During these five months of jungle life, they took care of each other and influenced each other. During this period, the haiku made by the little fat boy became more and more literary, and the word "Bad Egg" was farther and farther away.
With a person to accompany, even if there are quarrels and bickering, the world becomes lovely.
The title of the film is to hunt down the barbarians, but the real barbarians are the old and the young. They live a "savage" life in a warm forest, neither alone nor alone.
In fact, I also want to be like them, away from the troubles of the world, away from modern civilization, and live in the virgin forest for a period of time, but it is really not realistic. heart of.
Finally, the scenery in New Zealand is really beautiful, so beautiful that people can't use one word to describe "beauty" casually. If you use one word in the film to describe it, it is "Majestic", which translates as "magnificent" . If you have the opportunity, be sure to travel to New Zealand to experience the beauty of nature.

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Extended Reading

Hunt for the Wilderpeople quotes

  • Ricky Baker: Shit just got real! Back up, homies, and let go of my uncle!

  • Ricky Baker: We'll just tell them you were looking after me.

    Hec: Doesn't matter what you tell them, they won't believe you. They'll think I made you do it. I'm not going back to jail, I'm better off up here. This is no place for a kid. You're gonna have to go back, Ricky.

    Ricky Baker: To what?

    Hec: To the welfare people.

    Ricky Baker: No!

    Hec: They'll look after you.

    Ricky Baker: No, they won't!

    Hec: They'll find you another home, you'll be fine.

    Ricky Baker: You're not listening! Nobody listens! There's no more homes, just juvy!

    Hec: What's juvy?

    Ricky Baker: Juvenile prison. They don't care about kids like me, they just keep moving us around until something happens like... Amber.

    Hec: Oh no, bugger then. Okay, okay. We're in about a million hectares of bush, that's big, it's big enough to hide in for a while, anyway.

    Ricky Baker: Good enough for me.

    Hec: But we're heading into winter. It's gonna be rough, no huts, no tents, real bush life. Can you handle that?

    Ricky Baker: I can handle it.

    Hec: Yeah. And if you play up, I dump you.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Uncle.

    Hec: I'd still prefer if you don't call me Uncle.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Hec. So what do we do now?

    Hec: We run.

    [They run for a few seconds, then stop out of breathe]

    Hec: Wait, wait wait. Maybe we don't need to run.

    Ricky Baker: Oh yeah, let's just fast walk.