dust fog home

Imogene 2022-03-24 09:02:20

The plot of the film is interspersed very well, and the plot echoes from the beginning to the end. I think that the teacher taught us how to write homework in middle school to attract readers. Undeniably, I was deeply moved by this movie. Back then, some trees were cut down in front of the house, and now there is a large area of ​​trees in the new residence. I can't help but believe that everything is destined. Sow what, reap what.
At the beginning, the protagonist suddenly appeared as a coolie. In the bathroom, he washed his face and changed his clothes. After ten minutes, the migrant worker became a retired colonel. At first I thought that the colonel was just because he couldn't let go of the past in his heart. Lost the glory of the past, so I would rather be a coolie and maintain a decent appearance. At that time, how could I have thought of the depth of the Colonel's love. Because he loves his wife, his children, and this family, his daughter needs a decent in-law's family, his wife needs a stable life, and his son needs favorable conditions, so the colonel took a fancy to the house, expecting to make more than 100,000 profits from it, and brought his wife with him. My son left his hometown and came to another country.
There are many people in the movie who are distressed, but there is only one person who hates it: Officer Burton. If it is said that falling in love without the purpose of marriage is a hooligan, then it is a crime to say that you have found true love and abandoned your wife and children in marriage. Because of the so-called lack of passion for his wife, indulging himself in pity for a strange woman, letting things develop, and finally having a justifiable infidelity in the name of "true love", as long as it's not a wife, a random woman appears. Said finding "true love" and I just wanted to laugh. If you didn't love at first, why should you get married, if you loved at first, why not love. I thought that even if Officer Burton doesn't love his wife now, he should give her corresponding respect. It's not shameful to find true love. It's shameful to hurt relatives in the name of true love. Who knows, your "true love" can last for a few years. , maybe not yet nine years. When Officer Burton threatened the Colonel I froze and shuddered. The state established the profession of police officer to protect citizens and safeguard their legal rights, not to allow a certain individual to use power for personal gain, abuse of power, and convenience. Suppose we have such a police officer by our side, what is the difference between bringing a wolf into the house.
In fact, if someone gave Catherine a little hope at that time, things probably wouldn't have developed to this level. Catherine was desperate, spent her last bravery, called her brother, asked her for help, and even pleaded with a sad tone. The busy brother didn't feel her desperation, but just perfunctory, because she was busy with work, she couldn't wait without even caring about it. hang up the phone. Kathryn's lifeless thoughts of suicide lead to tragedy.
Catherine wanted to commit suicide, but was rescued by the colonel. The colonel's son was very disturbed. The colonel said: She was injured like a bird. Your grandfather said that a bird flew into the house. It was an angel and should be treated. She sees it as a blessing. The colonel's family repaid their grievances with virtue, with clear grievances and no personal grievances in handling matters. At this time, Catherine was not a mad woman who wanted to snatch the house from them, but a lost bird. They try to appease her, care for her, and love her as much as they can.
The moment the colonel's son was hit, the colonel's sky also collapsed. The colonel was captured by the police officer. Seeing that his son was taken away by an ambulance, the colonel was sitting in the police car. Dad is here. The insignificance of human beings is displayed vividly and vividly. Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, the colonel staggered to the hospital, and said to the sky, the ground, and the crowd, "Allah, I only want my son." He desperately hopes that someone can come to him, take his hand, and say with a smile: Your son is fine. But no, nothing but his own whining. The colonel knelt down in the hospital and prayed to Allah. At that time, life was hopeless, and it seemed that he could only ask Allah for help. The money was gone, and the house was no longer in contention. Bless Katherine, as long as her son can open his eyes again, everything can be gone. I didn't understand why there are so many religions in the world before, but now I understand it now. When people are in a difficult situation, they have a little sustenance in their hearts, and they just think that there is still a little hope. What if, what if, I was sent to me by Allah.
The colonel and his wife died happily, in the happy atmosphere of a family of three reunited. As the colonel said, when we brought everyone here, it is time to go back. This is fate, and people have to believe in fate at some point.
Seeing the back, Catherine was frantically scurrying around the sea, in the sky, on the ground, and birds everywhere. As if to see off the Colonel's family, I thought Catherine was going to die too.
Finally the officer asked Katherine, this is your house. Catherine shook her head, took a deep breath and said, not mine. It was the sorrowful cry of the passing of thousands of sails.
The author named this story "Dust and Fog Home". I personally think that it is not only because the house is surrounded by dust and fog all the year round, but more or less because the hearts of the story characters are filled with some dust and fog. Everyone's heart is covered by some common "dust and fog", thinking that what they think is correct, necessary, and necessary. Then, when the most important thing in life is lost, it all comes to an end. Everything should be fine. It's just that the obsession in my heart is too deep, and there is nothing that can't be lost. Life is the most important thing.

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House of Sand and Fog quotes

  • Hotel Security: Can I help you?

    Behrani: My car is parked here. You asked yesterday also.

  • Nadi: [In Farsi] I dreamt of a bird trapped in our empty house, it was trying to find a way out. It fluttered around hitting the walls. I could feel the air from the wings on my face. I opened the window... and it flew away.

    Behrani: Drink this.