A thought-provoking topic, but a simple story

Makayla 2022-03-25 09:01:15

Sent to a nursing home? Or take care of someone? Or give up your job and take care of yourself? This is a topic that is neither far nor near.
In the film, two brothers and sisters who have been busy with their lives and are strangers, have no one to take care of because of the death of their father's girlfriend, and when they suffer from Parkinson's disease and cannot take care of themselves, the two take their father to take care of them, but the two My own living situation is also very unsatisfactory. My sister is entangled with a married man and lives on government subsidies. My brother has a Polish girlfriend of three years, but he has no courage to propose marriage. The arrival of their father allowed the two to slowly open their hearts in the process of getting along and learn to face their own problems. Like all brothers and sisters in the world, they were devastated by their father's problems, but at the same time they learned to love and understand because of their father's problems.
There are two quarrels in the film. In the first one, Wendy feels guilty because of the poor conditions of the first nursing home and wants to transfer her father to a better nursing home. Jon does not agree to do so because she does not know that even if Changing to a better nursing home can't cover up the topic of people dying. Death is ugly and dirty, but all the beauty here is just to relieve people's guilt. The quarrel between the two in the cold wind is also chilling. It is true that none of us can escape death. Material is very illusory. We come to this world naked, and we will leave naked after all.
The second quarrel was about Wendy lying to get the Guggenheim Fund. Jon learned the truth and preached to his sister, only to learn that her sister had been living on federal relief money. With emotional outbursts, but we will only burst out in front of the dearest people, because only they care about the most.... At
the end of the end, the father still left this world, but the children learned how to go on their own Facing life better, Wendy began to direct her own drama works, my brother made up his mind to marry Poland and live with his girlfriend, they are all going on with their lives, even if there will be some difficulties and distress, but fortunately, we All have support, have each other's existence, and have the most powerful weapon in difficult times.

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The Savages quotes

  • [watching a silent movie; a woman walks onscreen]

    Lenny Savage: See, she's making me my dinner!

  • [watching a movie]

    Lenny Savage: That son of a bitch was always picking on me.