The second season did not capture the essence of the first season at all...

Royce 2022-12-27 13:20:42

Made up the Black Contractor, the first season is a masterpiece, what the hell is the second season and OVA!
In the first season, the male protagonist with such a strong mental strength will actually turn into a ghost like in the second season. In the first season, because of his lover's betrayal and the disappearance of his younger sister, he did not collapse after this incident. In the second season, he will become a self-sacrificing ghost because of the unknown life and death of a current "lover"? This is already OOC. The male protagonist is so handsome in the first season, he knows what to do. And I always thought the heroine was a policewoman in the first season. Who says the hero and heroine have to be in a relationship? What's more, from the end of the first season, the feeling of having an emotional entanglement with the male protagonist is Amber. Why did OVA and the second season forcibly turn into silver, there is no basis for it! In the first season, I can't see any emotional entanglement between the male protagonist and Yin. They are all four of them acting together, and at most they are companions. . Why did the second season forcefully change to "I can't live without you", the kind of person who will die without you, this feeling doesn't match the first season.
The second season also made the male protagonist lose the ability of the contractor, and it is not black if the black loses the ability of the contractor. What the hell is that awakened Izanami... it's a failure. Wasn't there a doll who ran with the underworld gangster in the first season and finally had a personal consciousness? At the end of the first season, the existence of the contractor was made public, breaking the control of intelligence. The contradiction is not so easy to solve, opening a gap, and how to lead to the road to peace is a problem that the whole society should think about.
Black is a bond, neither an ordinary person nor a contractor. The meaning and action of this bond is to connect the two sides and seek a way to coexist. The second season had him incapacitated, made him lose his role as a bond, and treated him purely as a fighter.
I discussed it with a friend before, and he said, "The tone of the first season of DTB is gray. It is said that contractors who act according to reason will have feelings and make impressive actions, and human beings can be much worse than contractors when they are mean.
The whole film discusses how to face new unknown fears through the black point.
The final answer is that we must face up and understand before we can have a follow-up method. Simple and rude will not work. The
contradiction still exists, just let People have to face it. It's a
pity that the twins of the meteor have abandoned the essence of thinking."
I quite agree with his point of view.
However, the director said that there will be no third season. This is also a good thing. After all, the second season did that shit. Suddenly I found out that the screenwriter of the second season has Gang Ma...
Unfortunately, there are no novels, manga adapted from the plot... (The manga basically has OOC elements)

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