It's just a kid who wants to be loved

Edgardo 2022-10-02 06:23:35

During the whole process, I didn't even feel angry because of this kid's series of actions, I just wondered why he did this. He used his method to constantly strive to please his father's love, and finally failed.
People who lack love always hate being indebted. When they meet a punk with a similar background, they are "blessed" and even offered to live together. For this child, it is like a compensation for the lack of fatherly love.
After being "treated kindly" by others, he wanted to pay it back to satisfy his wish and help him rob him of money. Perhaps in his eyes, this drug dealer was even a filial good person.
When he was arguing with Samantha, he must have been full of guilt and struggle, but he had to balance the feeling of indebtedness in his heart, so he ran to help him grab money without looking back, although the result was In the end, he was abandoned by the drug dealers, and took money to please his father, thinking that he could solve his economic problems and let him live with him, but was driven away again because of his father's cowardice, but he should be thankful that Samantha is still there. Wait for him, be willing to accept his apology, and help him bear the consequences of all this.
Not everyone is willing to accept his apology, isn't it, like the son of the newsstand owner who was knocked out by him.
So he finally gave up, gave up "Dad", and made up his mind to live with Samantha, let himself be loved by her, and let himself love her.
People who say something like "I can't afford it, please adopt him, he will forget me" will never be worthy of being called a father. I hope that this kind of "father" will live in the shadow of self-struggle all his life and feel guilty to death.

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Extended Reading

The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?