a life with full dose

Alan 2022-03-24 09:03:27

The rhythm is propped up almost entirely by John Dorn's verses and the actress' close-up micro-expressions. Who was John Donne? "No Man is an Island".

Of course, Emma Thompson is the actress who held up half the sky on "Luncheon Song" alone, and that part of the test has already been passed.

A life trial in an extreme situation, a video experiment in a semi-enclosed space (and a restrained imagination space).

The interesting part is that under the proposition of death, literature, the arrogant field that most often discusses death, has converged. Doctors are benevolent, but fully enjoy the conceit of digging and exploring the unknown.

"Then do you believe in the value of life?" "...What did you learn in nursing school?"

I still tend to believe that at the moment of death, a person should have nothing in his mind and a peaceful mind. When the old professor leaned over to bed, hugged the heroine, and read the fairy tale for her grandson, what moved the heroine might not be Master Yan's warmth at the moment, but the game of words in the fairy tale that resembled John Donne.

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Wit quotes

  • Vivian Bearing: After all, brevity is the soul of wit.

  • Vivian Bearing: I trust this will have a soporific effect.

    Susie Monahan: I don't know about that, but it sure does make you sleepy.

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing]

    Susie Monahan: What's so funny? What? What?

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing] Soporific means "makes you sleepy".