Song of the Sea, an animated film based on Irish folklore, was released in 2014 and was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film in 2015. It was finally released in China in 2016. The first feeling of watching the movie is the special and excellent style of painting, a lot of exaggeration, and the use of a lot of lines and colors, which naturally brings a bit of mystery to the story. Although the theme of the story is completely different, this style of painting also reminds me of another animation many years ago, the story of a mole, with a similar style, also produced by a small European country. The theme of the story of this film is to borrow the insinuation of mythology, telling the protagonist's family of five, several different kinds of love, the love of mother to daughter, the love of husband to wife, the love of mother to son, the love of brother to sister Wait. Another theme is, driven by love, the hero's courage to take responsibility and grow up. In such a 90-minute movie, the contrast between before and after is especially obvious. After watching this movie, I really feel that the gap between China and foreign countries cannot be made up by one or two works. It can’t be made up by 12 years of feelings, and it can’t be made up by navy and marketing. It can’t be made up by the so-called pride of a big country. Come down and let go of all utilitarian temptations, only then can excellent works appear. This is the way to rise that should really be taken. Although this movie has very little pomp now, I still recommend it to all my friends.
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