Did you watch this movie seriously? !

Lina 2022-03-25 09:01:13

I like horror movies the most, but I'm very timid and close every time I see a scary place. The domestic horror films have no ghosts at all, the plots are cliché, the Thai ones are too scary to watch, and the Japanese ones. . . . Rarely watched, almost only watched Japanese Caribbean, Tokyo Hot. . . . American horror movies are rarely watched, those that are too scary are too scary to watch, and those that are not scary are not old yet. . . I don't watch much in South Korea, and I don't like it very much. I weakly say that Korean horror TV series are better than movies. . . Korean horror dramas are very good, such as the hometown of legends. . . .

A bit off topic, this movie is the most serious one I’ve ever watched. I’ll stop checking the plot, checking the director, and checking American high school students for a while. . .
I'm a student dog, and I don't usually have much time. I'm unfamiliar and curious to American Facebook and American websites. This movie fully allows me to browse websites from the perspective of the heroine. Cha, the heroine's various "Baidu", what a novel movie! (Forgive me for not watching many horror movies, this method of filming is a pseudo-documentary?! What the hell is a pseudo-documentary? I haven't checked it on Baidu, because I'm afraid that the previous hand will be gone...(ಥ_ಥ)) , a lot of insight. A really good movie can not only bring insight but also bring reflection. The best movie in my opinion is Three Silly Bollywood. But there is perception, but no reflection. . . This movie has sentiment and reflection, maybe not so wonderful, but I really like it. In my heart, it's the same five points as Three Silly! ! ! The perceptions are almost the same, that is, we have to label them. My reflection is: For example, are I a green tea bitch? ! Is there anything wrong with your friends and your classmates? ! Are our Chinese high school students the same as these American high school students? ! People's cyberbullying is the same as in the movie? ! There is no concrete answer. But for me, I have a clear conscience for what I do, (spoiler, the heroine is too bad, too cheap, too hypocritical, a green tea bitch!) This is the fundamental reason why I am so timid and I still like watching horror movies. , I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door when it's dark, oh ha ha ha~
I'm talking a lot of nonsense, why should I record this? I want to record my excitement just after watching the movie, and I can't understand why a movie I like so much has such a low rating? ! This is also the same as my mood after the exam. I walked out of the exam room and said, "Oh my god, the question is too easy, it must be excellent!" After the exam results came out, "Nima! It's excellent! How did you pass?! Why!! !" Don't say it, I will cry too much! ! ! !

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Unfriended quotes

  • Mitch Roussel: I can't believe you'd do this me, I love you fucking slut


    Blaire Lily: [crying in return and wheezing] No, please don't call me that baby I love you.

  • Laura: Never Have I Ever... defaced Laura Barns' grave.

    Jess Felton: [crying and hyperventilating] No! Please Laura that wasn't me! I swear! Please no!

    [the countdown of seconds going from 19 continues]

    Adam Sewell: Please Laura she's telling the truth, it was me Laura, it wasn't Jess.

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