The deadly temptation of male gods and food

Webster 2022-03-26 09:01:07

The food drama "The Strongest Cooking" starring Bradley Cooper can be said to combine the double temptation of male gods and food. Of course, I went for the food! Hahaha!

Food movies have always had a unique charm, that is, when you are very excited when you watch a movie, you will be very hungry after watching the movie. And food movies are often linked to "inspirational".
Bradley Cooper plays Chef Adam Jones, and the movie is mainly about the story of Adam Jones' comeback. We can vaguely know from the title that Chef Adam used to be the chef of a two-Michelin-starred restaurant. He loves drugs and alcohol, and his private life is chaotic. And obviously, the process of the movie is the story of Adam Jones' comeback.
Of course, the composition of the story is not all the way uphill, but there are several turns. The biggest turning point came when everyone mistakenly thought that the Michelin judges were coming, and it happened that the deputy was destroying the food. The foreshadowing of forbearance and revenge is just right, and this foreshadowing has become the key to Adam becoming a real chef.

This section is very important to Adam in the whole movie. The importance of the Michelin three-star rating for Adam is unquestionable, but this clip has transformed Adam, from a "chef" to a real chef.
Personally, I like this passage very much. In this passage, when Adam, who was injured, faced the sudden visit of the "Michelin judges", he disregarded the dissuasion of others and insisted on preparing to cook. And when faced with the returned dishes, the feeling of collapse that wanted to cry without tears. Then the collapsed belief defeated Adam, discarded his notebook, and hysterically came to his friend's kitchen with the intention of seeking death. Then, when he received the good news from the restaurant manager, he was brought back to life by kissing him fiercely in ecstasy.
This fragment full of complex changes can be called the classic of the whole film, and Cooper's acting skills are also excellent. With the hysterical despair in the vacuum bag, and the stunning kiss scene, it can be said that Cooper interprets this mental journey incisively and vividly. Cooper played a three-pointer.

In fact, the English name of this one is "Burnt", and the Chinese translation is called "The Strongest Cuisine", or "Chef Burning Love" and "Chef Tiancai". As far as the literal meaning of "burnt" is concerned, it means "burning", but as far as the film understands, a single "burnt" has a double meaning. "Burn" means both cooking and burning, meaning that the male protagonist is a chef, and he has a very fiery affection for cooking.
In fact, we can feel Adam's dedication to cooking in the film, whether he was buried in the kitchen every day to learn cooking when he was young, or he still insists on old-fashioned cooking techniques today. It can be said that Adam's enthusiasm is like the beating flame on the stove.

Food dramas often have a bit of an inspirational factor, but I felt a touch of warmth in this film. The element of warmth comes from two places, one is when Cooper and the little girl eat cake, and the other is when Cooper eats with everyone at the end. Although warmth is not an important element of the film, it is a small surprise.
However, the elements integrated in this film are a bit complicated. In addition to the inspiration and warmth mentioned earlier, there are also love, friendship, basic feelings and so on. We can see that Adam is in a hurry to move between the elements, and in the end we only see Adam succeeding, but not the other elements.

Although the topic is food, it focuses on a variety of elements and does not elaborate too much on food. Although the theme is inspirational, it is generalized and depends entirely on Cooper's appearance. This film is like a plate of spaghetti with spicy ham. The noodles are the staple food, but the spicy ham takes away the taste.

(Original by Leng Zimo, welcome to reprint, please indicate the source)

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Extended Reading

Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.