What about 60 years old, boys chase after them, and the world chases them

Aryanna 2022-12-29 20:49:08

This is indeed a terrific movie. As a "chick flick," the heroine's character is the driving force behind the film. Chick flick as a genre refers to those films that cater more to women's tastes. The plot is more dramatic, emotional and routine, showing the minutiae of life. Among them, romantic comedies are usually set on two people who don’t seem to be a good match. The heroine will definitely have a girlfriend who advises her. After a series of misunderstandings and emotional catharsis, the hero and heroine will live happily in together forever and ever.

These movies are like summertime iced watermelon or rock candy mung bean soup with bursts of refreshment and joy. You can enjoy it completely without the burden, because you know that all problems will disappear. When a lot of things in our lives are impermanent and random, having a movie that you can rest assured of 100% is quite healing. (Yes, at least not like in A Song of Ice and Fire where there are death and trickery lurking around)

When it comes to chick movies, which translates to "chicken movies" in Chinese, there's really a long list, but today we're going to watch this one again. Being a chick movie is really far-fetched because our heroine is in her 60s.

In fact, this has stepped on another taboo in Hollywood - older people sex. The film doesn't fully develop that part, but the themes it explores are relevant to it. When we get old and no longer have the beautiful face and body of 20 years old, is the pursuit of love (including sex) an untouchable topic?

She had the opportunity to go out and had a young and talented fiancé, but when her fiancé received a job in a foreign land, Doris, who was still a young girl, couldn't bear to leave her mother, and it was like this for decades. Life is also stagnant in the old house.

Raising cats, hoarding things, and listening to chicken soup lectures are almost all the joys of her life. But everything was changed by an elevator adventure...

Inspirational masters kept pouring chicken soup with Grandma Duo, There are seven days in the week and someday isn't one of them.

Grandma Duo was full of courage and started to attack like a fearless female warrior. I have to admit that Grandma Duo still has two brushes.

The first trick to break Xiao Xianrou’s psychological defense line is: Get to know him, be his friend

, and grandma has registered on FB, and understand Xiao Xianrou’s hobbies, from favorite bands to coffee taste, keep it in mind.
Take the initiative to buy a disc that the male god likes and bring it to the unit to listen to, which successfully attracted the attention of Xiao Xianrou.
However, the more lovely scene in the film is when Grandma Duo listened to "Baby Goya and the nuclear winters" for the first time, as if no one was dancing.

▲Please feel the disgusting expression of the cat star people. Because this dance is so unruly...

The second trick to break through Xiao Xianrou's psychological defense line is to force a chance encounter.

Grandma Duo has been in action and gained confidence a little bit. When she was wearing a neon luminous outfit and was about to go to Xianrou's favorite concert, her family laughed at her, and Grandma Duo stood up and protested loudly: such a cold band , have you heard of it? Simply handsome.

During this process, Grandma Duo gradually came out of the pain of losing her mother and from the world of hoarding.

What's more important than liking someone is to gradually step out of the comfort zone in the process, to explore a world that has never been touched before, and become a braver self than before.
This is probably where love grows.

It's a pity that Grandma Duo's imaginary relationship didn't last long, and Xiao Xianrou quickly found a girlfriend. Please feel the murderous eyes of Grandma Duo. Fresh Meat's girlfriend is Caroline of Bankrupt Sisters.

Grandma has lost her love. She cried and wrote a message on Fresh Meat's FB to swear the sovereignty of love - but in her own made-up identity. The girlfriend was furious when she saw it and broke up angrily.

The witty grandmother smelled a chance again.
When chatting with grandma, Xianrou asked: Do you mind dating someone younger than you?
Grandma was overjoyed and felt that she finally had it! play! La!
After some elaborate dressing, grandma happily went to the Thanksgiving party of fresh meat. Courage to speak up while drunk.

▲Look at Grandma's blurred eyes and the corners of her mouth.

As a result, the cold ice rain slapped randomly on the face, and Xiao Xianrou decisively refused and fled. Grandma returned to her deserted home alone and removed her thick wig and makeup. Looking at the mirror sadly. This performance still demonstrates the strength of Duo's two-time Oscar-winning actress.

Life is like this, colorful bubbles are beautiful, but one day they have to take off their pretense and return to reality. I feel sorry for my grandma, but my grandma doesn't cry.

According to the routine of this type of movie, the following is the appearance of good girlfriends.

Grandma Duo was not immersed in the emotional world of failure. She cleaned up the house where countless old things were hoarded. Although she has always claimed that she can't give up because of the emotional value behind these things, what she is most entangled in is that these things represent, on some level, the possibilities that have been lost in her life.

She thought that by keeping these old things, she could make up for the lost old days, those "I might", "I could", those dreams of her youth. But this experience of chasing Xiao Xianrou made her see that only by taking action can she change and explore the greater possibility of life.

Everyone will grow old, and everyone will have hatred and regret, but those who are embarrassed in the past cannot move forward.

Grandma Duo even summoned the courage to quit the mechanical entry job. Before leaving, she went to Xianrou to apologize to him and thank him for giving her so many good times.

Look at grandma's beautiful red socks! In the end, Xianrou seemed to realize something. When the elevator door was about to close, he shouted: Wait, Doris!
... what happened next?

This is really a heart-wrenching movie. During the watching process, I will keep worrying that Grandma Duo will be hurt, and the embarrassing cancer will gradually spread to the whole body. When we are in our 20s, we often don't have the courage to confess. When we are sad, we sometimes want to learn from ostriches and do not want to look directly at reality. The great multi-grandmother has been moving along with her heart, even if she fails.

This is a movie full of girls' hearts, but "girl's heart" is not an exclusive term for girls, but an energy full of hope for life. So, what if you are 60 years old, boys chase after you, and the world chases you.

Grandma Doris, you are a baller.

1. There are almost all familiar faces in this movie.
For example, Nicky from Orange Is the New Black is so normal on the show.
For example, Caroline from Bankrupt Girl gets together with Schmidt from Jesse.
2. There are several beautiful photos of Sally Field, who played the role of multiple grandmothers, when she was young. She used to be a bunny girl.

3. Welcome to the official account to play - Irregular Handbook
Three Thousand Worlds, Ten Thousand Ways of Living.
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Extended Reading

Hello, My Name Is Doris quotes

  • Party Goer: I'm a teacher at a gay preschool.

  • John: I met a woman in the elevator this morning. We hardly exchanged more than a few words, but she made a big impression on me. She's standing right there... Look lady, I don't even know your name, but you set off a fire inside of me that I've not been able to put out since the moment I laid eyes on you. Can we explore this?