Girls who are "not feminist" because they have always been treated gently by men

Fabian 2022-03-27 09:01:14

Actually, I came to watch this movie with soy sauce. I often say I'm a "macho" girl - yes, big brother should be worshipped. You have to have a broad chest and thick shoulders, you can carry a gun in times of war, you can warm up your house in times of happiness, you can meet a wine and a confidant with less than a thousand cups, and you can sit back and relax.
this, I didn't quite understand those feminists. Men and women are inherently unequal - for example, if you ask me to change the water in the office like the boys, then wait and cry. Physical strength is different, brain structure is different, how is it possible.
I found out
later, oh, that's because I've always been treated gently by men - they're gentleman, the kind of gentleman from Beijing who has to protect girls at all times. When you cross the road, you will naturally let girls go inside. There are steps on the road. You will say "be careful" to a girl wearing high heels. Knowing that one day in advance because the girl wants to choose what to wear to you, yes, there are also girls who work hard and study hard. They say that it is great, and girls have to live interestingly. The girl is in love with her husband and her son, and they say oh, they are lucky. In case you fell asleep while chatting on WeChat and didn't reply, they would say, "Girl, am I being abusive to you?"
Eh, boys are such gentlemen, I am a feminist.
On the contrary, I feel that I should be gentle with them. right. son.
, so probably when men were gentleman, there was no "feminism" in this world. Because when girls are treated well, they don't scream.
If I were like that era of three obedience and four virtues, women had no political rights—that is, you had no custody of the children, and the husband could give the children away without your consent. Women can be sexually harassed by their bosses and domestically abused by their husbands.
I lived in that era, I would be feminist too.
So for those who clamor for "what a woman can do, it's still a husband and a child", think about it, you now have custody of your children, your husband can't domestic violence against you, your boss can't sexually harass you, this is all in the past The rights that countless feminists have traded their lives for.
.Why do
you enjoy these rights and laugh at the "feminist rights" in history.

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Suffragette quotes

  • Maud Watts: Your mother's name is Maud Watts. Don't forget that name. Because, I'll be waiting for you to find me. Will you find me George? Don't forget it.

  • Violet Miller: You want me to respect the law? Then make the law respectable.