This is a situation we will face in the future

Garfield 2021-11-20 08:01:42

The film begins with a review of our actual Gu Clone technology process, which makes us feel what a possible future this is. Now that humans can clone animals, according to the speed of human technology development, cloning humans does not seem to be a movie fantasy, but a problem that we will face in a few years.
The film gave me a lot of thoughts. Cloning is just a copy of material. We have been stunned by other things, but we have a lot of associations with people's own copying.
Leaving aside law, ethics, biology, etc.,
I point out the following thoughts that
consciousness depends on matter, but it does not mean that consciousness must be on a certain substance. This is like the cloned memory in the film that makes the cloned person feel completely himself. In other words, consciousness is not as mysterious as people think. It is unique and unique, such as the soul. It may be memory and other things, which can be copied like a file. Your consciousness is copied to another substance, and you will not feel that you are in two places. The two of your consciousnesses will operate independently and think of each other as other individuals. So you are already completely two people.
Just like the windows system, the same version of xp runs on two machines. Although they are the same, they are already two worlds.

Because of this peculiar situation, a consciousness was copied, the scene in the film that touched me a lot.
1. Surprised. . When the cloned Adam met Adam, when he encountered himself, he would watch himself act like a dream, but he is indeed real, he is not yourself, but you feel that he is you.
2. At a loss. . When cloned Adam knows that he is cloned, his wife and daughter are not his own. If you think about it, you will think this is a very desperate fact. You are also you, you also have his memory, and his experience of getting along with his family, but none of this is yours! ! ! So where do you go? This is also our thinking on the human rights of human cloning. Should he share his wife and daughter? ?
3. Sad. . I think the saddest thing in the film is the boss, the bad guys, thinking that if you clone yourself, your life can continue, and you will survive, immortal? . . . How sad, if you die, you will die forever. What survives is your clone. You will not feel the feeling of your being alive on your clone. It is already another consciousness, even though he and you One’s memories, experiences, and abilities are the same, but it’s still someone else! ! ! Their continuation is at most the same as the continuation between father and son. In the film, the newly cloned him doesn't care about his pain, he is still so hopeful to help his clone, which is really sad! !
4. Yearning. . The professor and his wife were also so touching, "I don't want to copy, I want to die". How touching for those of us who are alive, think about what we thought we were dead and suddenly lived, how many years we lived, Faced with another copy. At this time, death was so yearning. . .

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The 6th Day quotes

  • Title cards: God created man in His own image, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. GENESIS 1.27, 31

  • Adam Gibson: [clone to original, just after punching out original]

    Adam Gibson: That's for sleeping with my wife.