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A true story about the Vietnam War
Adolf 2022-10-19 23:46:38
Col. Cal Rhodes: [Introducing the Vietnamese cook to the men at the Texas training camp] Oh, this is Mr. Ky. We'll be eating nothing but Vietnamese food from now on.
Col. Cal Rhodes: [All the men groan disapprovingly] We don't want to be tramping through the jungles, smelling like Americans.
Charts: [Wondering if Scott is a Viet Nam vet] So, uh, how long were you there?
Kevin Scott: I wasn't. Too young.
Johnson: [Looking a little skeptical] Is he goin' with us?
Col. Cal Rhodes: He served with 4th Recon Marines.
Johnson: "Served"?
Kevin Scott: I was discharged for striking a radio operator who fell asleep at his post.
Kevin Scott: [the other men look a little askance at him, but he continues] You're worried that I have no combat experience. You're right. There's no way of proving that I won't fail in combat. But then again, you can't prove that I will, either.
Sailor: [Grinning mischievously at Scott] This is gonna' be a whole lotta' fun with this one.