If I Stay.

Sandy 2021-12-02 08:01:29

The film is shot

from a first-person perspective. The heroine suddenly disagrees from the perfect family, school, and love
. The most important part of her life suddenly leaves her. The

plot is very compact but complete,
and the ending is very similar. The novel is slightly different. It is
recommended for fans who don’t like dog-blood love.

The way of love presented by the hero and heroine in the play
takes the innocent route from the process of acquaintance, dating, and communication.

If you want to find the feeling of first love , I
super recommended this film,
and the view of family affection in this film also accounts for a large part.
After watching it , it will make people think about it in many ways.

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Extended Reading

If I Stay quotes

  • Mia Hall: Why do I get this feeling you're about to mess up my entire life?

    Adam: A little mess never hurt anybody.

    [kisses her]

  • Kat: Babe, are you sure it's a bee?

    Adam: Oh, yeah. We gotta get this stinger out.

    Mia Hall: No, we're not doing that!

    Adam: Trust me, this is the only thing I learned in Boy Scouts.

    [gently sucks on her hand]

    Adam: Got it.

    [family applause]

    Kat: Wow.

    Willow: Way hotter than tweezers.

    Henry: Stand down, woman, you're already knocked up.

    Adam: You know, you should get stung more often. I'm sorry to sat that's the furthest we've gotten since our first date.

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