drowning in forbidden colors

Wiley 2022-03-25 09:01:23

The wounds on your hands never seem to heal I thought all I needed was to believe Here am I , a lifetime away from you The blood of Christ , or the beat of my heart My love wears forbidden colours My life believes This song "Forbidden Colours" is always given up because the translation is not beautiful enough. Many people said that they burst into tears when they heard this song for the first time, but the first time I heard it, I was silent for a long time. , Hidden in my heart for a long time, I can't cry anymore. Actually I didn't really want to see "Merry Christmas Mr. Bowie, of course, his figure is slender enough, but not fit enough, his profile is sad, but he can't speak, his appearance is good, but not enough to be attractive at first sight, as for his acting skills, it's really just play The level of votes, he is a legend in the history of rock and roll, but he can not be regarded as a good actor. It's just that his pair of "gold and silver demon pupils" gave him a seductive power, and it was even more rare that David, who was 36 years old at the time, did not appear abrupt when he played a seventeen or eighteen-year-old high school student. Sakamoto Ryuichi's beauty is too beautiful to look at, and he felt very ordinary when we first met, but Yonoi doesn't need to have shocking beauty, he is pretty enough. Ryuichi Sakamoto has the aptitude of a beautiful boy. He has dangling phoenix eyes, but still has double eyelids and a straight nose. Some people say that he has picturesque eyebrows, like a person in a Ukiyo-e painting. With heavy eye makeup, he was not tall, thin and tall, and it was impossible to tell that he was 32 years old that year. But he lacked aura. His military might was built up by raising his chest and roaring loudly, and he didn't have the intimidating temperament. As far as I understand, Shinojing is more refined and civilized than Yuan, but he must be a murderous young man with awe-inspiring brows. Otherwise, how can he make Yuan and a group of soldiers respect him like gods, and those soldiers treat him more like domestic servants and masters? , is willing to rub the ground for it. He is not merciful, although love has made him reckless. Love doesn't know where to start, it goes deep. This sentence is really appropriate for Yonoi. The scene is beautiful. When Yonoi is facing the disdainful Jack standing on the court, the camera slowly pushes towards him, and the music of "Germination" gradually starts (God , because the music is too beautiful), a heart beating violently under his heavy breathing, he probably doesn't know what's wrong with him, the man in front of him is heroic, but it shouldn't be because of this, how could love come so shallow? There must be something more secret that attracts him, his uninhibitedness? Is it his life and death? Was it the glance he gave him inadvertently? Both are and are not. He draws him with Shakespeare verses—so clumsy, he believes him so easily, he panics at his toned body, and desire engulfs him like a flood... It's a good start, but then The plot is handled like a farce. The fake execution was far-fetched in terms of plot design, but at least it was smooth enough for Yonoi to bring Jack back to his turf. He was eager to get to know this man, and he stood in the dim shadow of the blinds, looking gentle and bewildered, as if asking casually. Lawrence "what kind of man he was", he certainly was a man he couldn't understand The huge difference between Eastern and Western cultures made Jack both distant and mysterious to him, just like the Japanese couldn't understand that Jack was willing to surrender so that the villagers would not be massacred, he was a prisoner of war but dared to give his real name, but he refused to be arrested. Suicide Feast. When Lawrence told him that Jack fought bravely and was "a warrior of warriors", he instantly found a sense of identity. They should have similarities, otherwise, where would love come from? He unabashedly admitted to Lawrence that he would have preferred "another respectable man" (referring to Jack) to be the POW commander. How irrational it is to visit a doctor late at night, anyone who sees it will find it strange, but he is too concerned. He stood in the moonlight and looked at him from a distance with watery eyes. When Lawrence proposed to practice swords to disturb the patient, he asked softly. "Does the wounded officer find it noisy too?", he imagined one day drinking with him under the cherry tree in his hometown (he deliberately emphasized "everyone" when talking to Lawrence), and he indulged him. He stole steamed buns for his comrades (he even took a troubled radio), he was locked up, he went to see him every night, and he even gave him a Persian blanket to keep out the cold in private, he blocked the gun for him when he escaped and was caught , These details are very beautifully designed, hiding the secret love of a person, wanting to get close but afraid of getting close, wanting to hide but unable to hide, no matter what you talk about, you will end up around this person. In this world, there is no wall without air, not to mention that Yonoi is open to the wind blowing by. Lawrence noticed Yonoi's abnormality from the beginning, so he asked twice why he felt so much towards Jack. Interested, and jokingly said to Jack, "After you came, he became a beast." At this time, Jack immediately received a playful sentence, "Why doesn't he say something if he has something on his mind?" Hara also noticed that, so he went to look at Jack curiously at night. When the original wanted to shoot Jack who tried to escape, Yonoi turned around and blocked the gun. All previous speculations were finally confirmed at this moment. , The orderly who went to assassinate Jack said to Yonoi, "He is a demon, he will destroy your soul", Yonoi himself asked Jack, "Who do you think you are? Are you a demon?" Jack replied "Yes Yes, I hope it is one of your demons." At that time, they probably both knew the existence of this relationship, but they looked at it from different angles. In front of Lawrence, Yonoi's favoritism is so blatant, the crime must be punished, and the order cannot be destroyed. In order to save Jack, he doesn't care about taking Lawrence as a scapegoat, although he doesn't really want him to die like this. In the dead end, no one could properly put an end to this matter, but it was unexpectedly resolved. The original man, cruel Vulgarity and no culture, such a person is of course more prone to brainwashing, so he followed the emperor and Yonoi with all his heart, but he has incredible wisdom, seemingly simple but cunning, he can see through Yoyoi's mind, he is alive Noi was strangely silent when he planned to kill Lawrence unjustly, but then took advantage of Christmas Eve to get drunk (should be intentional), pretend to be Santa Claus, and find a step for Yonoi and let Lawrence and Jack go. The relationship between Yuan and Lawrence is simpler but also more fragile. He can chat with him about life and death through the moonlight at night, but he doesn't mind beating him half to death when investigating the prisoner of war camp. Lawrence is a Japanese guy. I thought he was very easy to chat with, but he looked down on his "fear of death". Lawrence did the same to him. He understood the original man emotionally and didn't think he was bad, but psychologically he despised his Faith, despise suicidal belly-to-be, despise the so-called Bushido spirit, believing they've been fooled by their bloody, cruel, filthy god. Lawrence is a wise man. He knows that people who are too attached to the "right" will eventually go astray. He understands that everyone is at fault in this war. The reason for the war is that there are always people who insist that they are completely "right", and Wise people are generally moderate, they don't listen to faith, they don't follow blindly, so they seem to be lazy and idle, which is why the Japanese look down on him. Lawrence sees the Japanese too thoroughly. They are an anxious people as a whole. They have to be in a group to do things. As individuals, the Japanese are not hateful, even respectable, but as a whole, they are full of tyranny. They hate everything that doesn't suit their hearts, they are too fragile to stand up to questioning, and they don't hesitate to use the most brutal means to shape an ideal world they think they want. Nietzsche said: The idealist is incorrigible, if he is thrown out of his heaven, he will make an ideal hell again. Same-sex love was defined as anti-social in any country in that era, but there were so many emotions that he couldn't control himself, Yonoi couldn't resist the desire for Jack, but he must have deep self-loathing in his heart, struggling with love Between faith and faith, Yonoi is like a man about to drown, so his increasingly outrageous behavior seems to make sense. I was a little confused about the part of the belly cut, what was Yoyoi's intention? He insisted that Jack also come to watch (of course he failed due to Lawrence's compassion), did he want to show him his fairness? Even if the guards molest the prisoners of war, I will not be biased, and I will definitely deal with them justly. Or do you want to declare that you hate homosexuality and will not show mercy? This reminds me of a In a word, "homophobia is a closet". Whatever he wanted, this led directly to the first major conflict between the two sides. The Japanese considered cutting the belly to be an honor, but to Westerners it was stupid and cruel, and asking them to watch it was dehumanizing. After Yonoi was denied the correctness by Lawrence, there was a "fast" that made Westerners feel inexplicable. What the hell is this? They couldn't understand it at all, and what made them even more incomprehensible was that Yonoi actually "fasted" together, what the hell did he hit? Shi Yejing regards it as a practice, while Westerners regard it as a punishment and must resist! As Lawrence said, no one wants to listen, they're just opinionated. From cutting the belly to lining up, Yonoi insisted on "I'm right", the commander insisted on "I'm right", one was stubborn, the other was arrogant, the situation finally got out of control, I didn't know Yonoi wanted to kill the commander What was the root cause, but Jack's presence undoubtedly pushed him standing on the edge of the cliff again. He wanted to show himself too much and wanted his approval too much, so he used what he thought was the right way. Pushing Jack to the edge of the cliff, the guilty man can no longer afford the price of silence and betrayal, and he finally walks over to him. Many clues in the movie are very vague, which requires the actors to be expressive in their performances, but from David Bowie's performance, it is difficult for us to determine how Jack views Yonoi. Some people say that this love is just Yonoi from beginning to end. (In the novel, Jack told Lawrence that he and Yonoi were a pair of birds who admired each other's beautiful feathers, and it seemed that they were not unrequited love of Yonoi), he seemed to turn a blind eye to Yonoi's obvious partiality to Jack, and it was always Jack when they met on a narrow road. In provoking Yonoi to open the net, but Jack said to Lawrence, "Maybe we (referring to him and Yonoi) are two grasshoppers on a rope", saying that he doesn't love, you can't explain why he immediately guessed it Yonoi has something on his mind, you can't explain why he took that blanket with him when he ran away, you can't explain why he stood on the playground and suddenly wanted to sing, the phrase "It is Sakamoto Ryuichi's Yonoi wins in his eyes, Yoyoi should be sad, as he said, "My friends (the young officers who participated in the 226 coup) were all executed, leaving me alone, Waiting to die in this world", his destiny is full of sadness, which is also what he and Jack have in common. They both seem to have a desire to die, with a tendency to self-destruct. Jack died at the beginning of the war because he hurt his younger brother. As soon as he joined the army, he almost embraced the war, and Yonoi, who missed the coup, felt that he should die with his comrades in arms. Living alone is a shame and a betrayal for him. Although Ryuichi Sakamoto's performance can't be said to be a surprise, it's a pass, but in this movie his best point is undoubtedly his music. This starting point is too perfect, and it is said that even he himself is difficult to surpass, but this does not delay his later. He can still create classic works such as the soundtrack of "The Last Emperor", which has won Oscars, Golden Globes and Grammys, without delaying his rise to the top of the world music hall. His talent seems to be inexhaustible. I'm just wondering how Nagisa Oshima chose David Bowie to play Jack. At first I thought he was the same as Ryuichi Sakamoto, and the condition for his role was to make a soundtrack for a movie, but after a closer look, he sang "Forbidden Colours". David Sylvian (at first I mistakenly thought it was David Bowie, there are too many music masters called David), it's not him, so you see, he's in this movie as a pure actor, which is really a bit strange Well understood. Later, I saw on the Internet that there would be no such film without David Bowie. Is he the investor? Oshima's admiration for David Bowie is beyond words. In the scene where Jack undresses in court, he even called him a "sexy Christ", but Bowie's Jack is far from good enough. . Many people interpret this movie as a gay love movie, but in my opinion it is really an anti-war movie. As a Japanese, Nagisa Oshima does not shy away from showing the brutality of the Japanese army in the movie, which objectively reveals Japan. The national weakness of the blind obedience of people as a whole also criticized the so-called Bushido spirit and militarism. This is really a rare reflection, and love is only the most beautiful and colorful stroke. It is a carrier of all these cultural conflicts, value conflicts, and emotional conflicts. If there is no war, whether it is friendship or love, whether we understand it or not, we can meet in a better way, we can all end in a warmer way, if there is no war, maybe I still can't love you, but at least, I Don't watch you die like this.

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Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence quotes

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: I get it. You think they'll all want to bugger him. So, it's true: all Englishmen are queer.

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're all afraid of queers, aren't you? Samurai aren't afraid of queers.

    Col. John Lawrence: War strengthens bonds of friendship between men, but that doesn't mean all soldiers turn queer.

    Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're not genuine soldiers. You're lowly POWs. That's why you lack discipline and beg me for favors. You should be ashamed.

    Col. John Lawrence: Sergeant Hara, I have nothing to be ashamed of.