Would you like to be a father? Do you know what love is?

Nakia 2022-03-24 09:02:21

At the end of the first season of the plastic surgery room, after Christine's child was born, he found that it was not his own at all. He could have ignored it for granted, but he did not give up in anger, but chose to be responsible for the child and treat him as his own. Also, in the eyes of many people, especially Chinese audiences, this is simply unreasonable, and it is completely the happy father that we laugh at! Chinese netizens like to ridicule the most: the goddess is pregnant two months after taking over the "goddess"... The child born Diaosi can only raise children for others willingly... However, the most pitiful thing about Diaosi is not that he has no money, but that he is imprisoned by his thinking Throughout his life, Diaosi's thinking cannot understand the plot in the play. In their eyes, it is shameful to raise children for others. In Diaosi's discourse system, his own children are the treasures. , This is just his helpless move to keep the goddess, but Christine is the protagonist in the play, rich and handsome, handsome and rich, and there are countless royal women. After a long wait, such a person finds out that the child is not his own. It is incomprehensible to diaosi to put endless love into other people's children.
Kristen can't fall in love with any woman for some reason (watching the show by himself), he knows the child is innocent, during the pregnancy, he poured out love and waiting, all this should not change the moment the child is born , the child's mother promiscuous, he has long known that although the child is not his accident, but it is reasonable, he can't seem to blame anyone, of course he has the right to give up the child and even demand compensation for his long-term contributions, However, he chose love. He did not deny the love he had given for so long. He had slept with hundreds of women, but he never knew what love was because he had never given it. For the first time, he experienced such selflessness Although it is for a child, it is enough to make him feel the greatness of love, and he cannot extricate himself from it. At this time, whether the child is his own is not so important. He cannot and does not want to deny his love during this period. It is a state of "I love you and it has nothing to do with you".
And what does this have to do with the title of the article?
The so-called tiger poison does not eat its children, because the tigers that eat their children are eaten by their mothers, and their genes cannot be passed down. Human beings have indeed been affected by genes from the development of consciousness to the pre-modern period that seems to have the right to decide. Some of them are even genetic decisions. It is impossible for a man in a primitive society to take other people’s children as his own, especially if he doesn’t know it. The king will kill all the children in the mother monkey's stomach. This is all due to genes, so the genes are eliminated from generation to generation, and people or animals only love their own children. Don't feel too ashamed, you are just following your genes, and your genes tell you that you want to have children, you want to inherit, and you want to raise your own children, although you can't tell why.
However, reason is like a spark that ignited the world, and only then did a rich and handsome like Christine choose not to have children when there are no obstacles to having children and raising them. The child can put so much love, this is all against genes, this is the greatness of reason

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