Zhong Jiu didn't understand why his own daughter wanted to be the victim. Master Yueguang said: "When you are fishing, do you think about which fish will be hooked?" The woman in white replied: "Because her father committed a crime. The father of the children did not believe others and even killed him.
" When his relatives became victims, Zhongjiu forgot about other victims. Her daughter is not the first, nor will she be the last. Bad luck is just a matter of probability, but no one wants it to happen to themselves and their loved ones.
As a criminal policeman, when strange murders happened one after another, Zhong Jiu just pursued the case out of a sense of responsibility. But when it happened to his daughter, Zhongjiu became crazy. So the pastor asked him, "Didn't you say he has flesh and blood? How could it be a ghost? You haven't seen it with your own eyes, so why do you doubt it? Why don't you go to the hospital to find a doctor
scoffed at the pastor's wording. So, after watching the movie, is it reasonable to think back to what the pastor said?
Who was the first to point these cases of victims dying from madness and acne to ghost events? It's the woman in white, the Moonlight Mage, and the director who manipulates the audience. Whether the Japanese with the flesh is innocent or deserves it, who can be sure?
There is no autopsy report of the victim, or even a visit to a major hospital to inquire about his condition, and the strange case has not been known and paid attention to by more people through the media. The village is a closed small society, although some convenient transportation. But Zhongjiu had a car accident while driving, and Master Yueguang also had a car accident. It seems that getting everyone in and out and the flow of information is very difficult.
In a relatively closed village, there is no circulation of information channels, superstition and rumors will occupy the minds of the villagers, and fear will fill the air. Therefore, the villagers cannot distinguish between dreams, illusions and reality. Must the last demon be real? Or is it only in human fantasy and fear?
Are the characters created by the director righteous and evil? It just depends on which scenes he shows you. Deleting the last scene of Mage Moonlight and the Japanese is nothing more than to increase the audience's imagination.
Like Zhongjiu, the audience also makes judgments based on the information they are exposed to. Zhong Jiu could not judge the righteousness and evil of the Japanese, the Moonlight Master and the woman in white, and the audience could not understand the original intention of the director.
Zhongjiu made countless efforts to get rid of her daughter Xiaozhen's predetermined fate. He couldn't accept that his daughter was the hook. The audience is also struggling to interpret the plot and cannot accept a movie that they cannot understand.
However, there is always something that we can't do about it.
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