political propaganda

Rylan 2022-09-15 12:02:56

I didn't watch the movie, I just read the movie reviews.
Mali, like the Islamic countries in Africa, is a multi-ethnic country. Similar to Sudan's split into North and South Sudan, the Tuareg people in northern Mali also demand independence, but what makes these countries exist temporarily? Religion, yes, Islam.
Islam has wiped out the racial awareness of Africans to a certain extent, but Islam has also produced some military organizations, which are called terrorist organizations in the West.
Therefore, this political propaganda film is just propaganda. The poor life of the local people is caused by terrorist organizations. As long as there are no terrorist organizations, there will be good days. In fact, if there are no terrorist organizations, there will be no good days. Trouble, the killing of peacekeepers is an example.

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Extended Reading

Timbuktu quotes

  • Omar: Satima?

    Satima: I'm listening.

    Omar: I'm Abdelkarim's driver. I have a message from him: "He can't do anything to help. It's over".

  • L'Imam: [to a jihadist] Stop this. You cause harm to Islam and Muslims. You put children in danger in front of their poor mother. You even hit the mother of two children without any good reason. Before you came, a woman was here to complain that you forced her to wear gloves-- here they are-- without convincing her of their usefulness, as is prescribed by Allah and His prophet. Remember the words of Allah the Almighty: "So pardon them. Consult them in the matter. Speak with them. Once you've made a decision, put your trust in Allah, for He loves those who rely upon Him." Where's leniency? Where's forgiveness? Where's piety? Where's exchange... exchange? Where is God in all this?