A moving and memorable movie

Eugenia 2022-12-01 11:00:55

The film tells the story of an old, introverted, and collectible woman who falls in love with a young, handsome, sunny, and successful man. Although it is an ordinary love story of old and young lovers, the plot is very compact, and every second serves the main line. The characters are also very full, and we are excited, expected, disappointed and sad with Doris's girlish heart. But sometimes he would jump out, and when he saw Doris with a wrinkled neck trying to kiss the male protagonist, he felt like he didn't want her to succeed.
This is also an inspirational movie, impossible=I'm possible, because of the encouragement of a certain speech master, Doris has the courage to pursue the male protagonist. In the process, even if she didn't get love, she also gained a lot. Friendship with a 13-year-old girl: how happy they are when they lie on the bed together and talk about love with their feet crossed; gain the trust and recognition of others: in the company, colleagues think she is weird and introverted, and she eats lunch alone , at the concert, God, she became the center, everyone loves to chat with her, she even became the cover model of the record; the courage to try new things: she has the courage to change herself, she doesn't care what others think, she moves forward bravely , for love.
Doris may be in his 60s, and how many of us are already stuck in our comfort zone and forget that it is never too late to... . I hope each of us can be as curious as a child, like Drois, willing to keep trying and moving forward.

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Hello, My Name Is Doris quotes

  • Party Goer: I'm a teacher at a gay preschool.

  • John: I met a woman in the elevator this morning. We hardly exchanged more than a few words, but she made a big impression on me. She's standing right there... Look lady, I don't even know your name, but you set off a fire inside of me that I've not been able to put out since the moment I laid eyes on you. Can we explore this?