In spite of her aged face, she is still a child

Angie 2022-12-21 13:33:09

Disregarding her aged face, she is still a child.
A short spoiler w
#hallo, my name is Doris. #Ah so
At the beginning of the story, Doris is already a cat lady in her 60s and 70s. She is lonely and eccentric. There are ducks from the 1970s in the refrigerator, and there is only one ski pole left in the house. may be used later" garbage. She stayed with her mother until she died, and her only love was broken because she couldn't leave her.
Until she met the male protagonist
, she pursued him naively like a child, listening to rock, wearing neon clothes, dressing fashionably, impulsive and blind like a twenty-year-old girl. There is a long jet lag in her appearance and soul. This feeling is so weird that all the moviegoers feel a little embarrassed for her, and at the same time feel that she is beautiful.
It's not so important to get it in the end, the important thing is that Doris has come into contact with a new life, no longer old, and then move forward ❤️
The soundtrack is great, the friendship is great, all the characters in the film are great,
no one laughs at her, everyone gently embraces her, even if she is still out of place, still absurd, and beautifully absurd.

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Extended Reading

Hello, My Name Is Doris quotes

  • Party Goer: I'm a teacher at a gay preschool.

  • John: I met a woman in the elevator this morning. We hardly exchanged more than a few words, but she made a big impression on me. She's standing right there... Look lady, I don't even know your name, but you set off a fire inside of me that I've not been able to put out since the moment I laid eyes on you. Can we explore this?