I don't give a shit - Super Brain 48 Hours

Elyse 2022-03-25 09:01:13

Deadpool's uncle Ryan Reynolds is in the second new film in a row. What's interesting is that in yesterday's "Illusion" he played a body donor, and in today's "Super Brain" he played a memory provider. Therefore, like the old man Ben Kingsley in the previous film, he is also a soy sauce in this film. The real protagonist of this film is Jericho played by Kevin Costner.

The story is about a Dutch teenager who accidentally discovered a loophole in the US military's control system. Through the loophole, he created a background software that can directly control the launch of every nuclear bomb in the United States. He published his findings online and hoped Getting a US passport, money, and political asylum - of course a badass finds it out and won't miss it, a Spanish anarchist (and a lot of money) also wants to get his research, and the US CIA One of the detectives had already negotiated everything with the Dutch teenager and was going to meet him with money, but he was intercepted and brutally killed by the bad guys halfway through (I don't know what the picture was) The detective is the only one in the world who knows how to The person where the Dutch teenager was placed, so in order to find him, the CIA executives found the body of the agent and attempted to transplant the memory in his brain into the brain of another person - this person is Jericho who was in prison. , because he suffered a severe blow to the head when he was a child, and the prefrontal lobe has not yet developed, which is in line with the conditions of a transplant memory doctor. But, he's a super jerk.

Later, there will be no more spoilers. Compared with the phantom body, this film lacks those lengthy family warmth paragraphs, and focuses on the part of the suspense film of the special agent film. The Chinese translation name is smart and adds "48 hours" , In fact, the 48-hour time limit in the film is not deep enough, and the handling of the sense of time is not prominent enough. It is difficult for the audience to feel the sense of oppression that is pressing step by step, and the nuclear bomb to render the atmosphere did not detonate after all. The emotions that should have been gradually tense in the second half were not well mobilized, and after all, some family warmth paragraphs could not be escaped - fortunately, it was only functional, not too much.

What's more interesting is that in the end, Uncle Jericho drove the car all the way to save the detective's wife and daughter, and killed the villain neatly. In these scenes, there is a kind of "I only care about my wife and daughter, as for other people, I don't "give a shit" jerkiness, which happens to be the result of the combination of Jericho's original jerk personality and the agent's mentality of thinking about his wife and daughter. It seems to be inexplicably refreshing - look, we don't care Whether it is politically incorrect or not able to harm civilians, we told you that this uncle is an asshole!

In the end, of course, it is a happy ending that the audience is satisfied with. How can the popcorn routine feed the audience shit. This film is generally like this, it is not very good-looking, but it may be slightly better than the phantom body, or this film and the phantom body are two development directions of the same theme (did you think of the White House that fell twice in a month that year? ?) If you are interested in this type of subject matter, this film is obviously more worth watching than the phantom body - at least there are enough action scenes, car chases, explosions, I don't think anyone would want to find warmth in this kind of film Bar? Although the routine attributed to popcorn should still be stuffed in.

The cast of the film is also very strong, Deadpool Ryan Reynolds, Detective Gordon Gary Oldman, Superman Dad Kevin Costner, Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, and a chubby Magneto Uncle Tommy Lee (wrong!) The works of so many superheroes/people around superheroes are not completely unattractive as an assembly line popcorn, at least you can still find some cool ones, right?


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