Constructed Idols and Us Who Constructed Idols

Lucile 2022-08-21 03:14:29

We are not unfamiliar with the word idol. It is recorded in "Shuowen", "I, Kirito", "Xiang, Xiang also, literally, refers to the statue of the god made of earth and wood. By extension, it is a mysterious power. Symbols are the concrete of ideals and beliefs, and they are worshipers who can abandon logic and reason and be unconditionally convinced. Idols are not only the gods of clay sculptures, but also not only the devils mentioned in the Taiping army's words, they are accompanied by crazy love and infatuation Such a letter comes from. Where there are empty and lonely human beings, there are idols.
If there is a God, the masses should be his greatest invention - those hard-working, brave and undisturbed living beings. The masses are lonely and weak, and they are under the wheel of history. The grass that has been ruthlessly crushed, but the masses are the strongest, most stubborn, and the most remarkable. The suffering masses can create a happy other world for themselves. The kind and timid masses can create an omniscient and almighty Lord to preside over justice and distinguish right from wrong. The masses can also create Simone. Nothing caters to the imagination of the masses more than an idol, Simone is perfect because she was created by the brightest minds and because she has the most fascinating qualities of the most outstanding women in history, More because she is constructed by the people, she is completely virtual, but makes people all over the world climax at the same time.
Victor builds the perfect actor, she has the most impeccable voice and acting in the world, at the same time she is submissive and considerate, she doesn't ask for super long cars, or cherry fudge, no room Three of the seven packs of cigarettes were still open, and she wouldn't accuse his art of quitting because of trivial matters or a bad mood. She let him do whatever he wanted, and she let him be at his mercy. She agrees with him unconditionally, or in fact she is a part of him at all, and he is also a part of her, otherwise, in the end, there is no need to entangle and chatter about who has succeeded and who has destroyed who, but the later development, But it was out of Victor's control, because the masses constructed the perfect idol. They add the best qualities and the best imagination to Simone. She is a beautiful girl who doesn't play big, doesn't ask for a response, and has superb acting skills and considerate directors. They cheer for her and are obsessed with her. She has everything in her idol. However, the idol's mistakes can be ignored, let alone forgiven, even if she is only a virtual character and a tool for the director's artistic creation, what does it matter? Virtual or not doesn't matter to most admirers, not everyone can abstract their beliefs like Muslims or philosophers, the masses need to see their delusions for peace of mind, in fact, dung boy How much more real than Hatsune Miku?
If there is an altar, there must be a quagmire.
Confused and ignorant in our constructed world, we rightly demand that our family and friends both love us genuinely and know how to love us appropriately, when we want them to do something To do something when we don't even know what to do. We are accustomed to placing our expectations on those close to us, but the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. After arguing again and again, it seems that we can gradually realize that there is no one who knows and loves us better than ourselves. The strong gap and the anguish of the real world drive us to look further afield, and then start endlessly. obscenity. An idol who satisfies one of his fantasies must satisfy all his fantasies. Even if the idol cannot be satisfied in fact, he must be satisfied. If the so-called idol is to be worthy of this infatuation, it must have the corresponding perfection.
Whether it's a high god or a great leader, we see it as a belief, and we put our heroic dreams on them. We fervently hope that idols can become what we want to be but can't be. We need idols to achieve us. We need redemption, we need desires to be fulfilled, for the things we wish to do but are unable to accomplish. But there is never a lack of sober people and those who pretend to be sober. On the one hand, the "brainless fans" defend their idols hysterically. On the one hand, the "brainless blacks" attack one after another. Audio-visual - whether you are a good son-in-law, a good husband or a good man. When the image of an idol is questioned, we are so angry that we jump out and defend the idol with all our might. Everyone who doesn't worship the same thing as me is a heretic who deserves to die. After all, few people can calmly accept that what they believe is actually A mistake. We defended and defended until we couldn't justify ourselves, until we couldn't convince others or ourselves, until the robber logic couldn't be used, and the world we lived on collapsed. "The believers always smash their former God", so we jumped back again, pointed to the idol's nose and questioned him, you are an idol, how can you not be perfect? You are an idol, how can you be flawed?
Idols are originally the people's unavoidable fantasies due to the lack of reality, but in the process of pinning their hopes, they have become obsessed and dependent, just like entertainment stars who were supposed to be entertained by the masses have been alienated into idols admired by the masses. But thankfully, human beings are indeed the most glorious product of nature, and they will never be hard on themselves. It is always easier to condemn than to introspect. Whether it's Simone, or other idols, to put it bluntly, it exists only because the people love it and see it. The reason why idols can become idols is because we need them to become idols.
Great crowd, witty crowd.

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S1m0ne quotes

  • Clyde: [from Taransky's film "Eternity Forever] Veronica.

    Simone: What you don't understand, Clyde... is that love... is like a wildflower. But that flower only grows on the edge... of a very... high... cliff.

  • Viktor Taransky: [from deleted scene] I know what you're thinking, Simone. This is a phony baloney world. Everything's fake. Women are surgically enhanced, athletes are on steroids. News is entertainment. Politicians are bought and paid for. All is one big lie. So why shouldn't you be alive, too.