It would be much better to replace Sean Penn

Winona 2022-03-24 09:03:07

The 2006 version of "The King's Men" (also translated as "The King's Team") Oh, overall, the filming is good, and the photography and soundtrack are Oscar-level. The casting is also very good, Jude Law is the most suitable for this kind of idealistic young man who is born in the world, Kate Winslet and Ruffalo are also very good, not to mention Anthony Hopkins, and "Watchmen". Rorschach plays a role with a very similar personality... the key! The protagonist Sean Penn is a failure! It's true that this guy is invincible as a politician, and the director has indeed given him a chance to talk too much! But he, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, did not perform the simplicity and sincerity of the original protagonist Willie, the old watch, a countryman, which made the mouthpiece appear hypocritical and made the story greatly pale! "Your needs are my justice!" Well, that still sounds touching. The original novel is also a household name in the United States. There must be many people who are dissatisfied with it.

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All the King's Men quotes

  • Willie Stark: Time brings all things to light, I trust it so.

  • Jack Burden: The friend of your youth is the only friend you'll ever have. For he doesn't really see you. He sees in his mind a face which doesn't exist anymore, speaks a name... Spike, Bud, Red, Rusty... Jack... that belongs to that now nonexistent face. He's still the young idealist you used to be, still sees good and bad in black and white and men as sinners or saints but never both and feels superior in the knowledge that you no longer can distinguish the two. That's what drives you to it. To try to stick the knife in. There is a kind of snobbery in failure like the twist to the mouth of a drunk.