Sorry, this is 5 stars in my mind

Enola 2022-03-25 09:01:10

In view of the lack of a five-star movie review and short review so far, out of my pursuit of my little goddess Kolo and the premise that I really think this movie is not bad, I gave five stars from my heart, and my opinion must be the same Contrary to what most people say.
Movies in the Young Adult genre, from the Hunger Games series to the Divergent series, from the Maze Runner series to now the Fifth Wave series. The fifth-wave box office was nowhere close to those, but the $50 million at the box office was a small achievement. Without exception, they are all dystopian movies adapted from trilogy youth novels, and all of them emphasize the role of women. In fact, most people will find that the words dystopia and feminism have been used badly, and any movie can be used. When it comes to dystopia or feminism, there are actually only a few real dystopia movies, and female characters are an essential element of some movies. If you repeatedly bring the topic of feminism into every movie, it will eventually lead to People are disgusted.
Back to the topic, maybe everyone will say that the fifth wave is the lowest point in youth anti-Ukrainian movies, and there must be no trilogy. In fact, it is not the case in my opinion. At first, I watched it with the feeling of watching a bad movie. After watching the first half, I also sighed that the film is full of loopholes and chaotic, and the scattered narrative makes people feel unclear. As a result, the more I looked back, the more I realized. For example, in the first half of the army, people picked up the children and killed all the adults in the small room. It made people feel that the army was bad, but then the scene changed to the children who were transported to the military camp. There, the army showed its positive influence and caused confusion to the audience. The moment the children took out the tracker at the end made me understand the purpose of the previous preparation, and the moment I knew the truth, I shuddered involuntarily. This should be regarded as a reversal. I couldn't help but think of the last paragraph of The Hunger Games 3. The heroine unexpectedly agreed that the female president was pointing the arrow at her for the subsequent reversal. The design is exquisite.
Then the confusion of the narrative that I thought at the beginning can also be explained. At the beginning, I cut out a point from the half and put it at the beginning. It reminded me of Kelloe's "Don't Enter the American Version", and the beginning is almost the same. The way of narration in the first half of the film makes people feel unclear and even irrelevant, but when Kolo arrived at the military camp, the two branch lines converged into a main line, so it seems that the previous narration did not do nothing, but helped us clear the conditioning.
In terms of special effects, I feel that the tsunami at the beginning is quite good. As for the ground crack, it really can't keep up with other YA movies. The original soundtrack is also a bit lacking, and the place where there should be bgm is not used.
To be honest, I feel that Zombie is much more handsome than Oliver, and everyone may also prefer Zombie and Cathy to be together, but when Oliver betrayed the other and bombed the military camp just to gain Cathy's love, Zombie could only be silent on the side. At the end, the conversation between zombie and Cathy doesn't seem like a boyfriend or girlfriend relationship, and when someone asks if they know each other, his answer is just "we are classmates in the same school". We don't know if Oliver died with the explosion, but that's probably the best ending.
This is really a beautiful work in my mind even if most people don't appreciate it.

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The 5th Wave quotes

  • Evan Walker: This isn't the first time The Others have been here.

  • Ben Parish: What did we do to deserve...

    Colonel Vosch: Nothing. Other than occupy a space we need. We're not that different, Ben. Your kind would do exactly the same thing.

    Ben Parish: No. Our kind wouldn't have wiped out an entire species.

    Colonel Vosch: Of course you would. You've been doing it for centuries.