There must be something to hate about poor people ------------- Forgive me for always looking for "hate points"! !

Uriah 2022-10-06 23:31:40

Watched all 10 episodes in one go.
Human society has never mastered "justice".
American judiciary is the least bad judicial system in human society today, which is disappointing here.
In this documentary, I have been looking for the reason why this family is hated. The relatives of the deceased, the police, prosecutors, and the law colluded to wrong him.
In this documentary, the brain damage of the AVERY family abounds. At the beginning, the documentary introduced SA's His IQ was only 70, and his brain-dead nephew was only 73. I wonder if this family was born from inbreeding?
In episode 10, there are rumors that their close relatives are messing around, and the hypothesis confirms the hypothesis.
Under such a judicial system, court decisions often stand on the side of "reasonable" rather than the side of justice. However, if we look at it from another angle, this is precisely the admirable point of American imperialism: it is well aware that its system is not perfect, but it never makes excuses or whitewashes its mistakes. It has never been afraid to reveal its scars for the world to see, and it has never hindered the accurate restoration of horrific cases.

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