Love is not the more difficult the more precious

Mortimer 2022-03-25 09:01:18

A decent gay self-identification film!

Sometimes we focus too much on the forbidden love between comrades, but forget how much humiliation and hurt his pregnant girlfriend and newborn baby will suffer. I believe that when he first met his girlfriend, the enthusiasm should be the same as when he first met Kay! We sympathize with true love and encourage love, the harder it is, the more precious it becomes. But we all know that love is the same, regardless of gender, race, age, and status. Love that is not hindered must be more precious than love that is not hindered! It is not that love that is discriminated against must be more worthy of encouragement and cherishing than love that is not discriminated against. Being yourself doesn't have to be based on hurting another person! Even in the gay world, there are standards of right and wrong. Pursue yourself, and please don't be on the basis of destroying others!

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Free Fall quotes

  • Kay Engel: It was a dumb idea to come here.

    Marc Borgmann: No shit.

    Kay Engel: Anyway, if you still want to go jogging sometimes...

  • Kay Engel: Stop kidding yourself. Just admit that you're gay. It isn't easy for me...

    [Marc punches Kay in the mouth]

    Marc Borgmann: I'm not gay, Kay. Got it? It was just a one-off with you. So stay away from me. Stay away from me, Kay.

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