"Into the House" super 140 word film review

Brice 2022-03-26 09:01:11

The title is very soft, neither irritable nor silly, the music is very strong, and the substitution is very strong. However, the rhythm was a little off in the back, and I was focused on losing focus, and I couldn't support the urge to give 5 stars.

"Math won't let me down at least" ~ Ha, math, literature/emotion. Mathematics is too vast and boundless to be sucked in, and it can only rely on its own construction without reaching any boundaries. In literature, it is difficult to grasp the direction of the wind, and there are whirlpools everywhere. Both, they are kings if they play well, and they will be swallowed up if they are not good.

As the story goes on, it gets worse and worse. If we tell the story of small space, there are many classics in French movies, and "Venus in Fur" can be looked up to. Telling a single-line story is that the story goes away from the background and goes to a farther place (it doesn't have to be a spatial distance but,,, I don't mean very good, a literary distance?), there are also many, "This killer is not too "Cold" is a high pole. But this movie with a convoluted structure has been erratic in its direction, and its interest is waning.

At the end, the real body is finally revealed, which is very realistic and freehand, completely literary. But, as I said, directors and screenwriters can learn from Roman Rolandski.

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In the House quotes

  • Germain: They say the barbarians are coming. But THEY ARE HERE, in our classrooms!

  • [repeated line]

    Claude Garcia: Continues.