
Daron 2022-03-25 09:01:20

People are obsessed with creating their own things, and I have been obsessed with shaping the me that exists here in my life.
It is the only happy thing to keep me out of reality, in all the imaginations that have written these words.
It is more free to use it to amuse yourself than to amuse another person or thing.

Thinking about it this way, all texts are my own pastimes, I hang there and let everyone entertain me. I stared at them, fascinated by the twisted and artistic look.
I'm not in a hurry to categorize myself or admit that I'm sick. I just found the source of creation.

Then this creative source is free enough, but also narrow enough, free, without restrictions from others, narrow, and only one reference for myself. A long time ago, when I saw black and white Tai Chi, I had a feeling of excitement. What everyone said is black and white, and there is always a feeling that heaven and hell are very far away from me. Until one day, I suddenly told myself that they are together, no good and bad can be separated. Either good or bad is an unfair term. Maybe since that time, I suddenly became silent, from loving talking and imitating, to obsessing with playing with myself.
The world needs expression to convey information, so any subtle differences need to be extracted, amplify the information as needed, and convey it to another, another group of people. Light is decomposed into 7 colors, and the edges of each color continue to enlarge and blend, creating countless possibilities, and constantly amplifying this small difference, thus multiplying civilization and progress. But in this way, the fact that they blend together cannot be ignored. If any element is taken away, it will not become sunlight.
Take away the black, and only the white remains? Without the white as the reference, the meaning of existence will be greatly weakened, or even disappear.
From that time on, I thought that an extreme life is always desirable, but it is just another completely different world supporting this balance, and it is the mediocre life that allows lunatics to exist. One value exists thanks to the simultaneous existence of all other different values.
So when society shows bright white, my eyes are on people who have been devastated and continue to live, they have a natural blending texture, all the weak and dark come from the society's too bright sense of justice oppression and too dark Selfish persecution, all wisdom and suffering come from the desire or perception of light after this persecution. They hug each other tightly, stab each other and keep each other warm. This fusion brought tears to my eyes.
If I'm allowed to believe in something to survive, I want to believe in this communion. I often feel weak and closed in myself, unwilling to communicate with people and talk with nature. This occlusion made me suffocate, but I couldn't get out. It was this sense of helplessness that made me feel like I wasn't accepted here. I'm an outlier here.
Before, I had always regarded the pursuit of uniqueness as one of my goals in life, and felt that it was an important step towards approaching my true self. It wasn't until I became more and more closed and more and more out of here that I realized that this was the opposite of what I was looking for. I didn't long for excellence or uniqueness. I longed for the blending of life, how deep the time and life have carved on me. Traces, how much courage I can accept, how many parts can blend with nature.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.