Miracles Made by Heroism, The Finest Hours

Sam 2022-03-24 09:02:34

This film is adapted from a true story in 1952. It tells the rescue operation of the US Coast Guard on the Hainan crew of the Pendleton. I like the special effects. Those who like to watch special effects are worthy of the cinema. There are 3D recommended 3D. There is no 3d landlord did not see so it is a pity.

I give it a 7/10

. Some people may say why it is necessary to take such a big risk and such a big storm to save people, but this kind of rescue must be carried out as soon as possible. One second later means that everyone may be finished. Just like the ship sank as soon as everyone was rescued at the end, it may be a bit dramatic to capture this moment to create tension. After all, when the ship sinks, there will be a huge suction force and no one can run away. Although it is a bit exaggerated, but Time is life and it's no exaggeration to use it here, so the movie is also named after finest hours. It's very good. If the storm passes, everyone will stop.

The special effects of the waves in this play are amazing. The owner, who grew up by the sea since childhood, swam in the typhoon under the sea. 囧. Still very small in front of nature! In the face of such a big storm, the protagonist still chooses to break the waves to save people. It is also a bold artist, but I think this is a bit too heroic. After all, he is holding four people who are sure to live. He is entering He had a choice before the storm. He could choose to return with four people who were sure to survive, or he could choose to take risks and add four more lives. Of course, it is a good thing to save people in the end, but in reality, not everything is like a movie, and not everything can produce miracles, so especially when all three of your companions trust you, put your life in your hands You should be more careful and more careful consideration!

What else does this show tell us? Must have some real skills! For example, the protagonist's ability to listen to the sound and distinguish the waves is so powerful that it is like opening a hook. Let the waves hit, they can always find a breaking point and move on. Another example is the mechanic in the Pendleton. The Pendleton encountered a storm during its voyage. The ship was torn in half by the waves and the storm like the Titanic. He stabilized the hull and continued to sail under the leadership of the hull, and finally stuck the hull on the reef and successfully waited for the arrival of the rescue ship. It was really a skill. In the end, everyone was rescued successfully without the mechanic's credit. The most crucial part is him. The teamwork of the crew is also good for Serey. Sometimes when a group of people twists into a rope, this force is really terrifying, so that they can successfully survive in such nature.

Let's talk about moral kidnapping. First of all, the protagonist will spare four lives to save people, which is moral kidnapping. Besides, 22 people in the rescue boat at the back was already the limit, and finally carried 36 people (including the rescue group of four), and kept saying that everyone should go back together or die together, which is also a moral kidnapping. Although they had basically passed the storm when they passed through the huge waves, and when they rescued people later, there would not be such a big wind and waves at the edge of the storm, but it did not mean that there would be no waves. It is really possible to bring so many people. All died.. I don't know if there is that fat man in the real incident. Anyway, I feel sorry for the fat man. Fatty's death is reasonable. After all, the rescue ship is not big. Without further ado, there will be so much.. Here is a mention of the air crash in the Andes, and friends who are interested can check it out.

Maybe because the landlord stayed up all night to prepare for the exam, maybe because he just went for a swim before watching the movie, anyway, the long emotional line, the landlord fell asleep in the cinema.. Personally, I think the emotional description of this game is not very good, even a bit cumbersome I feel like I don't like the heroine anyway. Looking at the historical photos at the end, the actors are very similar. Although the heroine is a bit fat, she is still more flavorful, but I still don't like it, because there is a feeling of being forcibly added to the plot. Speaking of which, I don't know whether this movie is to praise American heroism or to praise the heroism of the United States. The power of love, anyway, the landlord feels that there is no such love, after all, the protagonist still has to go to the rescue. And the protagonist can successfully bring back a group of crew members not because of their love, but because of real skills. To be honest, it is really useful to master a real technology in life! At the end of the town's power outage, I can guess that the heroine will use the headlight as a lighthouse to pick up the hero in the end. This is what the plot needs. Anyway, I don't believe that there is no backup power supply for joint facilities like the lighthouse. The atmosphere of the Lord's hope didn't touch me.. And in the end, the male protagonist was almost frozen to death. He was soaked with the cold wind of the blizzard, and he couldn't see people clearly, and he couldn't walk steadily, and I didn't either. I know what the heroine thinks. In this case, I didn't immediately take the hero back to the car and back to the house. I insisted on holding the hero by the sea for a long time, and I don't know how to take off my coat and let others wear it. It’s uncomfortable to not add a love line to the current movies. I think this movie can be made into a good movie like Saving Private Ryan without adding a love line, so the love line is deducted.

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The Finest Hours quotes

  • Miriam Webber: I'm not afraid of the water, Bernie. It scares me at night that's all. You know. You can't see what's underneath.

    Bernie Webber: Just more water.

  • [last lines]

    Bernie Webber: Are we still on for April 16?

    Miriam Webber: Yeah. I asked Cluff for you. He said it was just...

    Bernie Webber: ...just a formality. Now I know, right?

    [both chuckle]