
Marcelle 2022-10-06 09:09:11

A particularly interesting episode of the first episode is a 5-minute conversation about factionalism and democracy in the United States

starting at 33:43. At the beginning, a conservative DA assistant and a bearded liberal are arguing, a Passers-by sit among them
(L is liberal, C is conservative)

L: You conservatives are trying to find something in Hillary's emails because you have nothing real to say about her. You're incapable of a real debate.

C: Well the problem of your liberals is you think you're the good guys, you think that gives you a pass to do random criminal acts, you know? Ooh, I saved an owl, now I can go kill a baby.

L: That seems like.. you must know that's not true.

Passers-by can't stand it anymore, it's a bit interesting to say that, ask them how they will define each other

C: Just PC, fucking fake, animal rights, and gay agenda, always pushing the liberal agenda. They hate Christians and they hate white men. You know what, 'cause they don't think it through. And they think they're better than everyone else and that they should tell everyone else how to think. They're just fucking assholes.

L: Uh, just Jesus everything and they hate gay people, and racist but pretending they're not, and they're selfish and they only care about money, and they think everyone has to do their conservative Christian shit.

At this time passers-by came to the first-order conclusion, because they looked down on each other from the beginning, so there was no way to talk about respect and
then he asked them to define Own

C: Conservative means values. Having values ​​and sticking to 'em, and defending what's right and not just saying what somebody said is right that year, you know what I mean? There's things in this world that are right and wrong and always have been . And you have to respect where this country came from and you have to hold on to that. And the fact that country and God and life, those are all sacred things. And people should respect each other, and government is there to facilitate, alright? It's not there to control people. And the way you get the best out of people is to make room for their strengths, not by overcompensating for their weaknesses.

L: Just being open to things outside yourself, having your eyes open and thinking about others, and being aware that our planet is precious and we're responsible for that. And people need to listen to each other. And be decent and tolerant and that a diverse community is a strong community, and sometimes the little guy needs a hand, and we're strong enough to do that so we should

. Wouldn't it be possible to reach some kind of consensus?
As a result, Passerby No. 2 spoke up at this time (X2 stands for Passerby No. 2, X1 stands for Passerby No. 1), and the next dialogue began to discuss the democratic system

X2: Who said they want that? They're not trying to reach an agreement. This is fucking sports.

A character chimes in: Hillary Clinton is a cunt, and I am a liberal.
Everyone laughs

C: Look, do you know how lucky we are to live in this country? You think this conversation is gonna happen in any other country ?

L: Give me a fucking break. This country is not that great. It's not even a democracy anymore.

X2: You know what the sad thing is? This country has such potential. It's not a democracy, you're right. But it could be, tomorrow. If the people woke up, they could change the whole thing. The whole system's set up and waiting. It's just sitting there like exercise equipment, waiting to be touched while your fat ass watches TV. If everybody woke up tomorrow and said, “We're not gonna spend another fucking dollar, or cast another vote or fight another bullshit war, until we get our fair share," That shit would change tomorrow. But it fucking won't, and the framers knew this. That's the sick part. They were sitting in their little room with their buckled shoes, and one of them , probably Jefferson, because he had the clearest head from blowing all his jizz on slave faces, said, “Hey, the way to control these people is not to suppress them.That doesn't work anymore."

What he means is that the root of undemocratic still lies in people themselves, who are not willing to seize those powers

X1: That's right, that's what history told us. Look at the French. Look at Cromwell. They knew that every time you give the control to the people, all the control, they don't want it, they give it right back.

X2: Because they're fucking sheep. The reason the few and the rich control all the powers, because the many poor and stupid let them . They are too afraid to try to succeed at anything, they want to dream about rich people and never be one. It's pathetic. And then you sit here, doing your little “Punch and Judy” Puppet show, as if it matters if you 're a liberal and you're a conservative. You're both suckers.

After some debate, the liberal lady who just scolded Hillary raised a glass: Sheep


so American.

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Horace and Pete quotes

  • Pete: I said I have a good memory, not that I have good memories.

  • Rhonda: I have been around long enough to know that men can only make two contributions to my life. They can lift things and they can fuck. I don't want to know you. I don't want to date you. I don't want to move in with you. I don't want to meet your mama. Fuck me... move my furniture.

    Horace: Where do you want it?