Lonely Live Lonely Die

Everett 2022-09-14 02:47:30

I don't like watching movies about normal people because that's not my life. I can't find any resonance or inspiration from a movie like that, it's just a waste of time. I hate wasting time. I'm not interested in their normal lives either. They were successful, they were in love, that's none of my business, I wouldn't go that way, I don't need to watch their lives.
The movies I like to watch are the ones that explain the multiplicity of life, most of which we think are strange and incomprehensible, among the many possibilities, but I like to watch lives that seem so far away from me . Maybe they were closer to me, I mean soul.
Just hanging out on PPLIVE, I picked this movie and I feel pretty good after watching it. To be precise, I feel the best is the first 5 minutes of the film. Every picture is like a solo dance by a lonely painter. What is the significance of what you do today? What's the point of piling up homework every day?
George, the number one male, has clear eyes and a flat voice, and a monologue casually asks what life is about. Judging from that alone, this is my favorite movie to watch.
Many scenes in the film are as gorgeous and delicate as the sunset on the sea. Under such scenes, we can put aside the plot to describe our feelings. Just like when you see a painting full of some mysterious power, you may not know anything, but you can definitely feel an energy that hits your heart. This is art.
The most successful part of this movie is the male lead, then the music interspersed, and of course the many refreshing shots that are soothing.
Last but not least, the lines are also great.
"we live alone, we die alone .Everything else is just an illusion .

I think I'm going to explain again why I like this movie, and I'll talk about it from the bottom of my heart. First of all, like George, I also like to think about the meaning of life, and I can't think about it in a person's night, because it will definitely lead to insomnia. I seem to be able to find some mutual understanding energy from George, so that I can become stronger, in this reality 100 times crueler than the movie has been so blurred, until I find the meaning of my own life. Some people always say, you have to find it quickly, or it will be too late. Everything will be over. I don't like to hear these words, the search for meaning in life is not about rushing to catch a bus to work, I have no reason to be in such a hurry. If life really has any meaning, it is to find the meaning of life while alive. In the film, Sally asks George, are you afraid of old age and death? No, George said, I'm afraid to live. Compared to George, I am afraid of both living and dying, but most of all is the period before death, when the body falls into incurable pain, loses its dignity, and becomes a doll that anyone can throw at you for mercy, There is no choice but to lie down and wait for death, and maybe I can still see tired, anxious, sad, complaining relatives and friends every day.
George's life, and I mean his life as a high school senior, was messed up by his weird thinking, but since he's just a student after all, he doesn't have to pay for a bad life, at least not all of it. He could indulge in whimsy from morning to night and paint for the day. But I'm still thinking like that, feeling like that, but I'm not as easy as George, and even if it looks like he screwed everything up, he can still get his diploma in the last three weeks, and he looks great . But I am 27 years old, I have to take full responsibility for my life, and even I am not only responsible for myself, parents, relatives, friends, there are too many things that can make me worry. Since many years ago, I have lost a lot of thinking about the meaning of life, those things that made me happy and seemed normal as a child, such as cheerfulness, passion, curiosity, showing myself, etc. Because of this thought, I've become a weirdo, and so far I can't see any hope of relief. I have only one explanation for this, life is not a movie, and there is nothing I can do about it.
If you think I gave up, then you are wrong, I never gave up, I can die with regret, but I don't think I will stop thinking about life before I end it.
More than 110 billion people have lived on the earth. At present, there are 6 billion people on the earth. About 60 million people die every year, so about 160,000 people die every day.

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The Art of Getting By quotes

  • Sally Howe: Thanks for covering for me.

    George Zinavoy: No problem.

    Sally Howe: Why did you ?

    George Zinavoy: Uhh, I don't know. Uhh, you were doing something so renegade that I thought you deserved to get away with it. I run afoul of the authorities so often, I figured I could handle it better than you.

    Sally Howe: You're really weird.

  • George Zinavoy: I'm the Teflon slacker.