3 episodes of "and then there were none" is not enough

Lelia 2022-03-26 09:01:10

To commemorate the 125th anniversary of Agatha Christie's birth, the BBC launched a three-episode mini-series "and then there were none". The title has already told us the ending. The eight people who landed on the island will never return.
Speaking of Agatha, what everyone knows and loves the most is the "Detective Poirot" series. There are cases, suspects and detectives, and this "No Survivor" looks so atypical, more like a Doomsday.
When these eight people were invited and hired to this Soldier Island for different reasons, they would all feel a little doubtful in their hearts, but they came to this mysterious island with apprehension, either because of money or under the flattery of vanity. This is a mockery of the darkness of human nature! It is also a freeze on their final destiny!

The playboy Marston was the first to arrive at Soldier Island. His life has always been playful, so this time he was invited to play.
General MacArthur looked upright. As he was waiting, he looked in good spirits and had the courage of a soldier.
Miss Kleinso looked the most naive and innocent. She was hired to be a secretary on the island. Even though she didn't think she was suitable for this profession, her poor life still made her choose good treatment.
Wargrave is a respected judge at first glance, and his turn is something I didn't expect, even though his identity is -- a former judge.
The Inspector Blore, who went by the alias Davis, was timid at the beginning, his eyes wandered, obviously he was a dirty guy.
Lombard seems bohemian, cold and amorous, religious Brent is hypocritical and ethereal, and Dr. Armstrong is a coward with uncontrollable emotions.
Eight people with different personalities move into the Owens' mansion with strangeness and alienation.
And the Rogers are the housekeepers and cooks who received them~ The
trial begins:
At first, I thought that the Rogers and his wife were also one of the judges, but later I found out that they were also the targets of judgement~
(1) Marston - the game of life, the lives of others are worthless in his eyes

Those soldiers The poem alludes to their final fate, and they all found this nursery rhyme in their own rooms:

Ten soldiers, running for food;
choked to death, one cannot be saved, only nine out of ten.
When everyone was still immersed in the joy of dinner, the sentence of the apocalypse suddenly broke in, and everyone's past was revealed.
So when the playboy Marston was still defending his crime and thought it was the negligence of the other parent, he died suddenly in a few seconds, so fast that he couldn't even think about his own life and death~
(2) Mrs. Rogers - a timid accomplice, sometimes such a bystander is even more chilling
Nine soldiers, sleepless
at night, really sleepy; Her death was the easiest, just like when her husband killed their former employer, in bed, the difference was that she saw her husband killed his employer with a pillow, and she was in a terrified sleep Although she didn't do anything, sometimes it's more terrifying to condone~ (3) General MacArthur - haunted by nightmares, sometimes letting go may be more relieved Eight soldiers went hunting in Devon City ; Eight and only seven.

He killed his most powerful subordinate because of his wife's cheating. As a high-ranking person, his reputation is greater than the sky. Although he was deceived by him at the time, the guilt in his heart has always been haunted. , In the end, he atoneed for his crime~
(4) Steward Rogers - money comes first, maybe his own life can also be involved

Seven soldiers, felling trees and branches were not easy;
Life off, seven only six left.
I don't understand Rogers, he doesn't know how to be afraid, maybe he's lost his heart. In his opinion, life is the most important thing. Whether it's dignified or worthy of the world's conscience is worthless to him. He still does his own thing step by step. Work until death comes, look at the blood flowing all over the place, you must be terrified before death~
(5) Religious believer Brent - selfish, watching other people's life and death with a cold eye

Six soldiers, playing with the hive Make the bee angry;
fly a sting, and there are only five of the six.
Brent claimed to be a devout believer, but abandoned Atris Taylor and allowed herself to die. She never felt that she was responsible for anyone's death, but every time she was in a trance, the honesty in her heart Betrayed him again, her death was discovered by Miss Claythorne, and when Claythorne walked into the room calmly in the few seconds of flickering candlelight to count the number of soldiers, I was convicted. Miss Lathorne was terrified, she was so calm, so cold-blooded, she was a devil. ( 6
) Judge Wargrave - a combination of contradictions, I think he is what most people dream of .

As for his account, I always thought his death was suspicious. I just watched a prisoner's hanging, and there was no wrong sentence. Why did he die? Of course, I haven't thought too much about why he is so obsessed with judgment~ I think the appearance that countless justices in the world dream of is probably the perfect interpretation of Judge Wargrave.
(7) Dr. Armstrong - capricious, timid and cowardly like to shirk responsibility

Four soldiers went out to sea in a group and suffered a great disaster;
the fish swallowed one blood stain, leaving only three of the four.
The initiator of the medical malpractice, but the plot of the flashback is too intermittent. I have never seen that he was the medical malpractice caused by alcoholism. The process of his death has not been explained, but I think the process must also be abusive!
(8) Inspector Blore - Unnecessary punishment, despising others' lives without remorse

Three soldiers, disasters in the zoo;
a bear suddenly fell from the sky, leaving only two of the three.
The selfish and fickle Inspector Blore is extremely hypocritical. I think if it is not a matter of his own life and death, he will never admit his indiscriminate killing of innocent people, so such a person will not repent when he dies - Kan said An example of a dead end.
Among them, the monologue of the self-talk is very exciting. From the confession of the crime to the desire to return to his rural life, the character is more three-dimensional, but in the end, an illusion appeared, and he died in the hands of the white bear played by the judge without any resistance. Some of them seem less scrutinized. (Because that part of the drunken dream before death was a bit abrupt) (9) Lombard - bohemian
, murderous but also weak

Two soldiers, sighing under the sun;
There is only one left.
Lombard is cold-blooded and treats others like weeds. A typical nationalist, he also reflects a microcosm of the evil deeds committed by Europeans to Africans (non-self) in that era, but when he encounters love, he seems to be still Dare to be brave, but even if he gave everything, he got a completely heartless Miss Claythorn. I think this is probably the cycle of heaven.
(10) Miss Kleinso - outrageous, she is a devil

A soldier, only one person came back; Hang Liang committed
suicide, and there is no one left.
I have to say that Miss Claythorne is the most frightening one. She kills silently and looks so harmless and innocent. When she watched Cyril approaching the brink of death, she even played with herself. The silk scarf on the ground was extremely cold-blooded, especially in the final court trial, she made a perfect statement, as if it was all an accident, and she was a sad teacher who failed to save the students, and she concealed it so perfectly, Only to eradicate the last heir for her beloved, but not everyone is like she only cares about money and does not care about human life. For example, her lover Hugo is so sinful that in the end I feel that hanging her is too cheap.
In the end, Judge Wargrave's appearance and confession gave me a lot to make up my mind. The only thing I can't explain is that he is terminally ill. How can there be such a seamless plan for him to kill everyone by himself, and in such a situation. Woolen cloth?
"Human nature is inherently evil" is vividly reflected here. Even Wargrave, who represents justice, was arranged to commit suicide because he used the death penalty to kill others. No one can judge sentient beings condescendingly, because he is also one of them, and these Can executions that represent justice also fail to bring true repentance?
Compared with the original work, 3 episodes is far from enough, because not everyone's spread is so profound, some are too hasty, some are too hasty, and it does not make people feel that everyone should be sentenced to death, but too much. Paranoia, no sense of resonance.

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