The White House Butler - Freedom

Jannie 2022-03-28 09:01:04

It took so long to have the opportunity to watch this film, and I was moved by too many places.
If you ask me what the film is mainly about, I can't say for a while, I just feel that I have seen a life in two hours.
And the background of this life turned out to be the entire United States.
The word housekeeper always sounds quite majestic. Although it is a deep understanding, it may be a servant. As if the word servant, always reveals the humbleness of hundreds of years ago.
But such a White House steward made me see something different.
As Martin Luther King Jr. said in it, don't underestimate the role of the servant boy, he is protesting against this kind of oppression and injustice with a tenacious and friendly attitude.
The mention of Martin Luther King, Jr. always reminds me of that speech, and I have a dream. What a great dream, he hopes to see one day, white children and black children eat at the same table, how small is the greatness, but it is just a simple equality.
Racial discrimination, throughout.
How many lives have been sacrificed for equality and freedom.
At the beginning of the film, the hero and his parents are working together in a cotton field. When the white landowner shot and killed the hero's father, it heralded the beginning of the hero's entire life.
A boy who was trained to be a servant from an early age, all his dreams are to be the best servant. That's why he was so happy when he got the White House valet position. The kind of joy that comes from the heart, as if it were the highest compliment in the world.
It was such a man who was full of service in his bones, a man who remembered to be like a ghost when serving, but gave birth to such two rebellious sons.
Eldest son, liberal warrior. He has fought for the good of black people all his life. What he wants is not to live a life and to gain stability on the white land, but to gain equality and freedom in his own country. He had mentors like Martin Luther King, Jr., joined the Black Panther Party, squatted in prison countless times, rebelled, and went astray, but his beliefs throughout his life have not changed in the slightest.
The younger son is rebellious and cute. He participated in the South African war, but he died in the end. I always
remember that on the hero's birthday, when the doorbell rang, he opened the door, saw the two strange soldiers in military uniforms, and only said one sentence: "You have found the wrong person!"
Son, what a blow.
But life is full of too many unexpected disasters. But life is so strong, because even so, we still insist on living.
A son died, a son ran away from home. The only thing he has is a job he loves.
But he forgot that there was a sweet wife waiting for him at home. The second thing that touched me in this whole film was the love between the hero and heroine. Such an ordinary couple, but never give up in the trials and tribulations of life.
She had cheated because of his indifference and jealousy because of his work, but one day, she still realized that the only thing she loved in her heart was her husband.
When Kennedy was shot, my heart fluttered. The president of the United States, who really did things for the benefit of black people, touched many people, including our hero. When he sought his wife's comfort, she scolded him, but embraced him again, and all the indifference was relieved.
So there is a saying that is very good, the relationship between two people will go through many hurdles, after a hurdle, the relationship will be deeper, and if a certain hurdle cannot be overcome, the relationship between the two will come to an end.
It's good that they are inseparable in the end.
Changes in the current situation, changes in the political situation, people's hearts will always change with the changes in the environment. This manservant, who has served white people all his life, has quietly changed his heart. He fought for the interests of blacks, and he insisted that blacks and whites should have equal treatment and promotion opportunities. One day, he succeeded.
When the first lady invited him and his wife to attend the White House feast, he finally fulfilled his promise and came to the White House with his wife. But that day, he was on pins and needles. He said that he hoped that one day he could really enjoy sitting here instead of pretending to be sitting here.
Later, his eldest son, whom he no longer had contact with, was gradually accepted by the people and the country. He was no longer a prisoner, but a hero in the eyes of black people. This stubborn old man cast once in his heart full of doubts. He began to doubt the work of his life and the meaning of life.
One day, he offered to resign. He quit his dream job and went to his eldest son who was organizing the march.
When his son came to him, asked him why he came.
"I want to join the demonstration," he said.
The son said, you will go to jail and lose your job.
He said, I lost you. Sorry!
A hug and everything melts away.
At that moment, I suddenly realized that life is not a mockery. A male servant who was born to serve white people gave birth to a son who fought for the freedom of black people. Two people who are so different are so alike. They are both for their beliefs and have not changed people.
In the end, the male protagonist said, I think I have seen a lot in my life, but I never thought that one day I will see a black man who can truly exist as the president of the United States.
At that moment, I began to believe that the United States is a country without impossibility.
I don't know if racial discrimination will still exist, but at least this young country has come out of different admiration step by step.
The United States, a democratic and free country, took a leap toward freedom at that moment.
I was touched a lot by this movie. There are many people in this world who pursue freedom. Freedom seems to be the source of human belief, but those who really fight for the interests of the people are truly great people!
Suddenly I thought of the oath I made when I joined the party, to fight for the benefit of the people for the rest of my life!
I hope this oath is not just a simple sentence for all our party members, but a belief in our life. Don't let your actions tarnish your oath!
People, do not stand without faith!

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Lee Daniels' The Butler quotes

  • title card: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

  • Freddie Fallows: Are you political, Mr. Gaines?

    Cecil Gaines: No, sir.

    Freddie Fallows: Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.