clear please

Jason 2022-03-25 09:01:10

I'm used to watching some movies casually when I'm doing something, and food movies have always been a good choice. The clever combination of ingredients, the delicate arrangement, the pleasing color matching of the ingredients, the intoxicated face and the simple and complete love after eating delicious food, these make me think that a food movie is good, and Julie and Julia are the classics in my heart.

This Burning Chef is very similar to the one I watched before, but the roles of the male and female protagonists are opposite. This kind of movie, as long as the food is not ugly, it will not be too bad.

Going back to Chef Ranqing, the male protagonist is Jack Su who is open. Charming blue eyes, handsome face, beard and beautiful body are telling us all the time that his hormones are about to break through the screen. Perfect skin is not enough, the most important thing is talent, talent. As the leading actor of Jack Su, of course, he has to be very talented. Even if he sinks for several years and can't keep up with the update of kitchen appliances, he can still make waves when he comes out of the mountain. The girl is willing to give everything to him, oh, no, and boys too. Woolen cloth.

Do you think I'm going to despise Jack Sue? of course not! Regardless of the bewitching power of the perfect skin, the male protagonist devotes his mind to a technique, and his talent and focus have already bought me, smart is the new sexy! So the heroine also attracted me! I also like the style of the heroine's clothes, and I have always admired independent and capable women. Of course, the most important thing is talent, talent~ Of course,

two people with equal strength in the same field will resonate more, so the hero and heroine are also simple. Being together rudely, my girlish heart naturally awakened.

In addition to love, of course the protagonist of food movies is food, and the process of watching it is a kind of torture, especially at night. French food has always been an image that does not eat human fireworks. Each large plate only takes a little bit of food. The perfect color matching of the food and the angle, direction and position of the plate keep telling us that this is not just food, it is art. ! The cooking speed in the movie is very fast, but if you make it yourself, you won’t want to eat it after a long time. I have tried making my own spaghetti sauce, red wine, basil, sage, etc. Mixing ingredients together is time-consuming and difficult to make. In the future, if I have the conditions, I also want to apply for a class to study Le Cordon Bleu, haha.

Of course, in addition to the above points, food movies also need an inspirational story throughout the play. The male protagonist has arrogant talent and skin, but he can't get the Michelin three stars he coveted. In order to get the three Michelin stars, he regroups, breaks the jar when he thinks he has lost, and goes to the enemy's territory ashamed to drink and go crazy. When he wakes up, he is recognized by the old enemy. Later, I learned that I did not lose three Michelin stars, so I woke up and maintained a normal heart, so I got three stars.

The movie tells us an old-fashioned story again, you can't do bad things, there will be retribution, you must maintain a normal mind, and you must not be too concerned about gains and losses. When you do these things, success is natural.

In this impetuous society, it is not easy to be normal and patient to do things, at least it is really not easy for weak-willed people like me. The male protagonist who is open is not exempt from the custom. He takes drugs, promiscuity, oyster cultivation, and has a temper at any time. His talent is almost crazy. But being mad is useful, is it useful to lose your temper, is it useful to be drunk, is it useful to cry? If you don't calm down and change, nothing will change. If the male protagonist still seeks death after sobering up, three Michelin stars is a dream that will never be realized.

So there is no plug-in to open, no arrogant capital, clear the mess when you feel breathless, clear the mess like every time you finish cooking, then you can do better next time, better than last time, better than yesterday

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.